DVJS Client Newsletter Summer 2016/17 | Page 6

COMPLAINTS & SUGGESTIONS WHY WE NEED YOUR PAY INFORMATION WE’RE ON FACEBOOK! SEARCH FOR DVJS EMPLOYMENT There have been some concerns from people as to why we need their pay information. It may seem like a privacy issue but when people commence work (in jobs we find or their own) we have to report their earnings to our funding body, DSS. Unfortunately, DSS don’t approve ‘verbal’ verification that you have been working but expect us to report earnings when we make our funding claims & that we have sighted your pay slips.   No-one else gets or uses this information that we obtain...it is kept private & confidential. It is recorded on the DSS computer system & that’s it (we have to file it in case we are audited). We do not use it for any other purpose.   The more claims we can make, the better our performance is against other agencies & the more likelihood of ongoing funding to support you & others who need our support.   Post Placement Support staff will check with you regularly so that they can monitor your weekly hours & earnings. We apologise for this but we HAVE to do it as apart of our funding contract. Every other agency has to do the same.   Please note you must also report your earnings to Centrelink as we do not do it for you. & LIKE US DVJS will be closed from FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd at 12 noon and re-open Tuesday, January 3rd 2017 We encourage you to raise any concern or recommendation you have about DVJS to us.   We only want you to be happy & all complaints are kept confidential. By letting us know that you are not happy or how we can improve, we can make things better.   DVJS is very much focused on meeting your needs. We welcome your feedback (Positive or Negative) so that we can improve.   Many improvements to our service have been made due to people making a complaint or giving a suggestion. We really want to improve our service as our service is for you!   If you have a suggestion, talk to your Employment Executive or contact Steve... [email protected]. You are also welcome to leave suggestions in our suggestion box located at reception.   FOLLOW THESE STEPS WHEN RAISING A COMPLAINT...   • Talk To your Employment Executive or Maintenance Officer. • If they cannot assist you, they will refer the complaint to their manager. • If the manager cannot assist you, they will refer your complaint to Steve, our Chief Executive Officer. • If Steve cannot assist you, he will refer the complaint to the Board of Management (BOM). • If the BOM cannot assist you they may refer your complaint to an independent body who will try to resolve the complaint. lf you feel that you are still not satisfied, you may wish to contact the following...   The National Disability Abuse & Neglect Hotline is available for you to contact should the issue not be resolved after Step 5.   1800 880 052   This hotline will report your complaint to the government funding body of DVJS & will provide advocacy support to you as well.