Dust Collector Controller, Sequential Controller, Sequential Timer Maniks Sequential Controller to Operate Dust Colle | Page 3

4) Baffle Plate: The messy or defiled air enters the clean authority through the gulf. Because of confound plate overwhelming particles with tainted air might tumble down and won't harm the channel packs or cartridges. Additionally defiled air with lighter particles might go through channel packs chambers where filtration happens from outside to inside. Features:     Guaranteed Effective performance Approved quality Durability Low operating cost with highly Superior performance Requirement in a Dust Collector System Dust is produced in each and every manufacturing industry such as Cement, Steel, Bakery, Metal Plant, Food and Beverage industry etc. Hence the dust collector system must be available in such industries. Sequential controller provides automatic sequential operation to the overall system. Maniks Sequential Controller has been designed to operate the MANIKS solenoid pilot valves used in dust collector equipment. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) provide visual indication of which pilot valve is being energized as well as "Power On" indication. The number of sequenced steps is adjustable from 2 through 10.Controls are provided to adjust the length of time between valves being de-energized (Pulse Frequency / off time) and the length of time that the valve is energized (Pulse Duration / on time). Silicon semiconductor components control all timing and logic Functions. Two independent methods of starting and stopping the Controller are provided. The first method will automatically stop the sequence and reset the Controller to the first valve position whenever A. C. power is removed and then reconnected. The second method is by a remote control contact connected to the terminals provided. When the remote contact is opened, the sequence stops. When the remote contact is reclosed, the sequence continues from the previous. In sequential counter both the methods are performed in predetermined order.