DuraGlass_Install | Page 3

10 in Poly-Classic ® Duraglass Columns Installation Instructions *

10 in Poly-Classic ® Duraglass Columns Installation Instructions *

1 . Measure the exact floor to ceiling height using a plumb to insure accuracy .
2 . Cut the column shaft as needed to achieve the measurement taken in step # 1 . Use an abrasive or carbide blade . CAUTION : Load must be fully and evenly distributed across the entire top and bottom shaft surfaces to achieve maximum load bearing capabilities .** Use a rasp to level as required . It is not permissible at any time to fill the interior of the column shaft with sand , concrete or any other material .
3 . To locate neck bead use the supplied template . Fold template at 10 " line , and hold over top of column . Draw a line at bottom of template . Repeat for remaining 3 sides . Slip neck ring onto column and with the top of neck ring even with drawn line , attach to column using 1 " long air-nailer brads , approximately 1-1 / 4 " in from each corner of column and into “ flat area ” on neck ring . Nails must penetrate perpendicular to column face to prevent deflection . See figure 1 .
Figure 1
1 " air-nail into flat area of neck ring perpendicular to column face approximately 1-1 / 4 " from each corner of column .
Neck Ring
4 . Slip cap and base onto column . If installation requires some method of securing the column in place before load is applied , use Poly-Classic Installation Kit included . NOTE : Always drill clearance holes in columns and secure with through-bolts - DO NOT USE SCREWS - and do not over-tighten . Follow instructions supplied with installation kit . If this column is installed where it could collect water or debris , the top of the column and cap MUST be flashed ( covered ) to prevent such collection . Use lead , copper , aluminum , galvanized , etc . flashing cut slightly larger than the assembled cap , and fold the edges down over the cap after step 6 .
5 . Tip column shaft into position and lower load onto shaft to hold it in position . If ‘ L ’ brackets were used , fasten to top and bottom mounting surfaces using fasteners from installation kit .
6 . Attach the cap and base to the column using 1 " long air-nailer brads approximately 1-1 / 4 " in from each corner of column and into “ flat area ” on cap and base . Nails must penetrate perpendicular to column face to prevent deflection . Cap and base may also be glued and clamped . See figure 2 .
Figure 2
1 " air-nail into flat area of cap and base perpendicular to column face approximately 1-1 / 4 " from each corner of column .
Base Column
7 . Caulk gaps between shaft and cap and base as desired .
8 . Paint with a high quality oil or acrylic latex paint . Remove all dust and dirt by thoroughly wiping column with cleaner compatible with your chosen paint ( mineral spirits for oil paint , Simple Green ® or isopropyl alcohol for acrylic latex paint .) Allow to dry completely before painting .
9 . Columns may be split to cover lally columns , posts , etc . using an abrasive ( Carborundum brand or similar ) or carbide blade . We recommend you diagonally split your column if you are going to reassemble them around a lally column . Use our Split Kit # 72665 for reassembly – instructions are included with the kit . Columns split for reassembly are cut corner to corner ( diagonally ) for easier reassembly . NOTE : Split columns are not load-bearing , even when reassembled with our split kit .
ColUMns are not to be used in a free-STanding applICaTIon . An internal strUCTUral support will be required on free-standing applICaTIons .
* Please check your local building codes to determine whether DuraGlass columns are applicable for your needs .
** Eccentric installations will reduce the load rating . Visit the Turncraft website ( www . Turncraft . com ) for clarification .
Phone 541-826-2911 • 800-423-3311 • Fax 541-826-1393 • Post Office Box 2429 • White City , OR 97503
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