Duncan… The Magazine Spring 2022 | Page 6






What began as a small family garden has blossomed over the years , creating many bountiful and abundant blessings for the community .

Rose and Floyd Carter , garden owners , began their garden over 10 years ago , but around eight years ago is when their little family garden took off exponentially , giving the couple an opportunity to bless their surrounding neighbors .
Since then , the garden , known as The Healing Garden , has become well-known around their neighborhood and beyond .
Gardening is in the family line , according to Rose . Both her and Floyd grew up with family gardens and learning tips and tricks to growing their own food .
Rose said her dad was a gardener and she learned a lot of how to nourish a garden from him . From having a backyard garden growing up in Texas , she said they would can their food for the cellar .
“ Our backyard — we had grapevines and fig tree ” Rose said . “ The grapes were up on a big arbor that we would play underneath , then when the grapes come on they just kind of hang down from up above you .”
Rose said they loved being able to pick fresh grapes and figs off of the trees , along with the family garden .
When their own boys were growing up , Rose said Floyd ’ s parents had a garden and their boys would pick the berries and tomatoes off the vine also .
Through the years and in wanting to sustain a healthy lifestyle , The Carters began their own garden , keeping with it while working full-time to retirement .
“ Our garden started as a family garden several years ago ,” Rose said . “ We always grew more than we needed so we started putting it up on the front of our property for sale on the honor system .”
The honor system , she said , means someone can grab the produce they want , and drop their money in a box left at the stand . The money left in exchange keeps the work possible from The Carters .
Rose said with friendly neighbors , they loved bringing them together with fresh produce .
“ Our neighbors enjoyed stopping by and getting whatever fresh produce we were growing at the time ,” Rose said . ” It just kept growing , ’ til it got out of hand .”
In the beginning stages of The Healing Garden , the couple began with wanting to grow organic food items for healthy living .
Rose said in 2009 , Floyd had contracted the H1N1 and became very sick .
“ After he recovered ,” Rose said , “ we were thinking of ways to provide him some healthy food on the road .”
With the virus taking a difficult turn on Floyd ’ s heart , the couple was in search of a healthy lifestyle and eating .
Rose said they started growing a lot of spinach , vegetables and greens , then she would dehydrate the vegetables and turn them into a powder to make a dressing for sandwiches .
The first year they had a really good crop of tomatoes , Rose said , is what got them the most excited about growing the garden .
The couple soon discussed expanding the family garden , because they soon were getting more than they could take in themselves .
“ We started out with one of those pop ups on the front of the property ,” Rose said . “ Just put it up with prices and an honor box where people just come and pick it up , put the money in the box and we didn ’ t have to be there — we can be working the garden .”
According to Rose , the stand soon became popular among all the neighbors .
After retiring , the couple invested some of their funds to continue to operate and grow the garden .
Whatever they are growing during the season , is what they have for sale on the stand .
Rose said the garden ’ s been good for staying active , being out in the sunshine , picking weeds