DUMMY-CusOPSnewsletter 1 | Page 7

M A Y - 2 0 1 4 Q3 TRUE or FALSE? City West Water actively encourage plumbers to unblock street drains (etc.) within our service area if they happen to see them: we effectively get others to do our work for us. We then reimburse the plumbers for their work by paying them a ‘Spotters Fee’, which we’ll honour at receipt of an invoice from the plumber. If you happen to receive an email from a plumber that has a ‘Spotters Fee’ invoice attached, then please ensure that this is forwarded to our Accounts Payable department - these are no to be sent to the OCC. Answ ered: 64 Skipped: 0 TRUE FALSE 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answ er Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses TRUE 90.63% 58 FALSE 9.38% 6 Total 64 11 / 20