Dubnation Dubnation | Page 7




4. Learn from your community

Use the people in your community as you wish them to use you. Learn from them. Whether you're at the top end of your community or just started your business you can learn something from anyone. Research like minded people and businesses to always stay on top of your game.

3. Provide something of value

What do you offer that others don't? If you don't know the answer to that question, you better find something fast. You can provide Twitter-only specials, discounts to Facebook fans, the "next few people to retweet" get something free promotions.

2. Interact with your audience

Spend time talking to people in your community. Reply to tweets, comment on Facebook posts, engage your audience from your own posts. Host polls, reply to the comments on your blog. If you disagree, be polite. Do not come off as arrogant or as a know-it-all. Be respectful and always answer in a timely fashion when contacted. Word of mouth is still a great way to drum up business, being prompt and a resource can get your respect and respect gets you referrals.

1. Be everywhere

I recently heard someone say "Oh no, I don't have Facebook, I just used LinkedIn". While LinkedIn appears to working very well for this person, why cut yourself off from any potential source of clientele? Find and use every single option available, some work better than others within certain industries, but all can provide the option to interact with potential customers and give the option to refer people to your website.