Dublin Chamber May June 2017 Magazine DCCMayJuneNewsOnline | Page 4
Feature Article
What is Life Care Management?
As the baby boomers begin the journey into life’s later years, they look forward to more time
to spend with family and friends, more opportunities for travel and leisure, and more time for
the activities that give them personal fulfillment. They will find as their age increases, so does
frailty and often the complexity of their health care increases, as well. The baby boomers will
also find a healthcare system is more complex than ever before. Recognizing that many people
would need help navigating our healthcare system, the National Association of Private Geriatric
Care Managers was formed in 1985. Over the next two decades, the care management industry
evolved to more than just helping seniors navigate medical care, so the NAPGCA changed their
name to the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) to reflect the expanded role of the professionals
who make up their organization. IKOR is a Corporate Partner of the ALCA.
Life Care Management
Looks at a Person Holistically Life Care Management
Assesses Safety Life Care Managers Coordinate
the Delivery of Services
Health makes up only part of an individual’s
overall well-being. A person’s happiness,
living conditions and finances all contribute
to a well-rounded quality of life. As Life Care
Managers, we take all aspects of a person’s
life into account when crafting a Life Map
(LMAP) for our client. One of our most important responsibilities
to our clients is to ensure their living
arrangements meet their needs and are
safe. During an environmental assessment,
we determine the client’s optimal living
situation by evaluating their mobility,
physical strength, cognitive ability and
other factors to ensure the highest degree
of safety and best-possible quality of life. Service Coordination is perhaps one of
the most important life care management
services we perform for our clients. While
service coordination has typically meant
coordinating healthcare services between
providers, Life Care Managers look beyond a
client’s health needs and coordinate all the
services that help an individual maintain a
high quality of life. IKOR’s Personal Needs
Coordinators and Managing Directors
know many of the service providers in the
community, and we can help clients or
their families service providers to take care
of the yard, provide home repair services,
or provide upgrades to the home to make
aging in place easier. Our offices know the
local home care providers and can help
select a home care agency to prepare
meals, arrange transportation and provide
any number of in-home care services a
person might need.
The LMAP begins with an assessment
to understand the client’s medical,
environmental, psychosocial and financial
needs. IKOR’s Managing Directors and
Registered Nurse Advocates (RN Advocates)
receive special training to help them fully
assess the client’s situation and determine
what services will help that individual live
the fullest possible life.
This article was provided by Melanie Hankinson,
Owner, IKOR of Northwest Columbus who is a
Certified Senior Advisor and an
Aging Life Care Professional™.
For more information call
614-956-1231 or visit
If a client’s living needs are best met
by living in a community setting, IKOR
consider the client’s financial situation,
ideal location and amenities when making
a recommendation for community living.
Our work with the client doesn’t end once
we have helped them find community
living arrangements. We routinely check in
with the client to support their emotional
adjustment and will perform unannounced
quality assurance checks to assure the staff
is consistently and appropriately honoring
the client’s wishes while addressing their
physical well-being and medical issues.
Floor Coverings
Carpet | Hardwood | Ceramic | Laminates
Showroom at 7450 Montgomery Rd., Dublin
(off Rte. 33 & Post Rd.)