Dublin Chamber May June 2017 Magazine DCCMayJuneNewsOnline | Page 2
President’s Message
President - Nicholas LaRocca
Muirfield Village Golf Club
President Elect - Alan Baker
Blue & Co., LLC
Vice President - Sharon Kendall
Retired Business Professional
Treasurer - Robert Johnson
Jezerinac Geers & Associates
Executive Director - Margery Amorose
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
William Andrews
Andrews Architects, Inc.
Scott Arthur
IGS Energy
Scott Estep
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
Beverly Farlow
Farlow & Associates, LLC
Greg Halvacs
Cardinal Health
Kirk Hendricks
Kinetics Noise Control
Dr. Todd Hoadley
Dublin City Schools, Ex-officio
Randy Leite, Ph.D.
Ohio University
Dana McDaniel
City of Dublin, Ex-officio
Todd A. Penegor
The Wendy’s Company
Breanne Taylor
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Rod Zeigler
Sam’s Club
The next few months are jam packed with many
community and networking events for our members.
Check out the Calendar of Events on pages 8 and 9 of
this magazine for details and how you can register to
get involved.
I would like to take a minute to spotlight a few of
these great programs. The Dublin Chamber of
Commerce Annual 18-Hole Scramble/Shotgun Golf
Classic takes place on July 18 and brings the business
community together for networking while enjoying a fun day on the course.
You and your foursome will have a great time at the beautiful County Club
at Muirfield Village with golf challenges and contests, delicious food, goodie
bags and exclusive silent auction items such as golf packages and overnight
accommodations. See page 3 for details. I hope to see you there!
If you love to travel, you should make plans to go with your Chamber friends
to Ireland in September 2017. This first-class adventure is open to everyone
and visits Irish landmarks that will stay in your heart long after the trip is
over. You can even book an optional golf extension on this trip to top off the
perfect journey. See the details of what you will have the chance to explore at
DublinChamber.org/travel, and sign up today.
Finally, if you have a middle schooler that would like to make a difference in
the community, you will want to enroll them in the iCare… iServe… iLead:
Youth Leadership Program for students entering 6th - 8th grade from July
10-14. This exclusive leadership program is expected to sell out—so please
don’t delay in registering. The goal of the program is to foster a spirit of civic
commitment, develop good decision-making skills and unleash the leadership
potential in Dublin area youth. Find out more about this educational
leadership offering on page 5 of this issue.
I look forward to seeing you at the many Chamber events that focus on
keeping our members involved and community-minded.
Thank you to the following organizations
for contributing information and photos
to this newsletter: IKOR Global
Advertising in this newsletter is available
only to member businesses. Ad sizes range
from business card: 3.5” wide x 2” tall; to
half page - with bleed: 8.5” wide x 5.25” tall;
to full page - with bleed 8.5” wide x 11” tall
(for bleeds, add 1/8” to all sides). For more
information about these opportunities or
to discuss online, social media or other
marketing programs, contact the Dublin
Chamber at 614-889-2001.
2 Dublin Chamber News
Dublin Chamber of Commerce