Dublin Chamber Magazine July August 2019 DCCNewsJulyAug2019Online2 | Page 2
President - Sharon Kendall
Destinations by Design, LLC
President Elect - Scott Estep
Vice President - William Andrews
Andrews Architects, Inc.
Treasurer - Scott Arthur
IGS Energy
Executive Director - Margery Amorose
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Alan Baker
Blue & Co., LLC
Greg Halvacs
Cardinal Health
Sean C. Henderson
Kirk Hendricks
Kinetics Noise Control
Yoshihiro Hidaka
Hidaka USA, Inc.
Dr. Todd Hoadley
Dublin City Schools, Ex-officio
Randy Leite, Ph.D.
Ohio University
Dana McDaniel
City of Dublin, Ex-officio
Gene Oliver
ITDatalytics, LLC
Todd Penegor
The Wendy’s Company
President’s Message
Fall is one of my favorite seasons, and along with it
comes Taste of Dublin! This special event on Sept.17
provides all the elements of a good time: Great food,
great friends and great fun! I hope you will join me at this
wonderful community event. Purchase your tickets at
Fall is also a great time to think about your personal
development and the development of others at your
organization. The Leadership Dublin Executive Program
is a very unique eight-month experience of relationship building, civic engagement
and personal growth. Register now for this outstanding program and save $100.
Learn more on page 5.
Also, Oct. 1 is the deadline to take advantage of discount rates for The Leadership
Academy, a professional development program created for busy, young
professionals with six after-work sessions. This program is a wonderful way to
reward your top performers and prepare them to be your next generation of
leaders. More information about The Leadership Academy can be found on
I look forward to seeing you at Taste of Dublin and at the many other Chamber
events that help extend the reach of your business. Thank you for being a part of
the Dublin Chamber of Commerce!
Kymn Pilkington
PNC Bank
Lisa Snide
TCS Software, Inc.
Kent Weakley
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Advertising in this publication is available
only to member businesses. Ad sizes range
from business card: 3.5” wide x 2” tall; to
half page - with bleed: 8.5” wide x 5.25” tall;
to full page - with bleed 8.5” wide x 11” tall
(for bleeds, add 1/8” to all sides). For more
information about these opportunities or
to discuss online, social media or other
marketing programs, contact the Dublin
Chamber at 614-889-2001.
2 Dublin Chamber News
Sharon Kendall
Dublin Chamber of Commerce