Dublin Chamber Coupon Book CouponBook8-20-18 | Page 21

At B2B CFO we are passionate about helping business owners grow, manage, and ultimately, transition from their businesses. At no cost to you, I will review your financial performance, benchmark your company against your industry, and summarize key findings in a unique, personalized and confidential report. As part of this service, I will invest up to 10 hours of my time and will need two hours of your time up front and an hour for the review after I complete my analysis. You will receive complementary copies of the benchmark report, my summary of findings, and be under no obligation for any additional work. B2B CFO 614-554-0733 johnamancfo.com Free Discovery Analysis and Strategy Session For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals Free Dale Carnegie Classic “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (While supplies last, first 100 inquiries!) One of the most highly recommended reads for professionals of any industry. The iconic book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” will be mailed to your business address to the first 100 people who respond to this coupon. Simply e-mail your request to [email protected] with your name and business address to receive your copy. Supplies are limited. The first 100 responders will receive the book that began the professional development movement in 1937. Dale Carnegie Training of Central Ohio 4885 Aspen Pine Blvd, Dublin, OH 43016 614-219-1398 centralohio.dalecarnegie.com For more coupon deals visit DublinChamber.org/coupondeals D-4