Dublin Chamber 2019 January February Magazine DCCNewsJanFeb19FinalONLINE | Page 11

Event Recap 1 2 3 2 4 3 5 5 6 7 8 Recognition Luncheon Shines a Spotlight on Community Contributors The Dublin Chamber of Commerce and nearly 200 attendees recognized Dublin City Schools Emerald Campus and outstanding members of the business community at its annual Recognition Luncheon on Dec. 7 at the Muirfield Village Golf Club Pavilion. Special thanks to Heartland of Dublin, IGS Energy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Shared Vision Communications and Dell’s Homemade Ice Cream for making the Recognition Luncheon an extraordinary event. 1: Dublin City Schools Emerald Campus leadership team receives the Spotlight Dublin Award at the Chamber’s annual holiday luncheon. 2: Dublin Chamber’s Volunteer of the Year, Karen Williams from BMI Federal Credit Union, poses for a quick photo with family. 3: Matt Barnes of NBC4 WCMH-TV, Dublin Chamber Board President Sharon Kendall and Dublin Chamber President’s Award honoree Robert Johnson from Jezerinac Geers & Associates. 4: Akihiro Hidaka from Hidaka USA; Chamber Board Member and Dublin City Manager Dana McDaniel; and Chamber Board Member Yoshihiro Hidaka from Hidaka USA. 5: Ohio Senator Stephanie Kunze; City of Dublin Councilwoman Cathy DeRosa; Washington Township Trustee Denise Franz King; and City of Dublin Vice Mayor Chris Amorose Groomes. 6: Thank you to Heartland of Dublin for sponsoring the Chamber’s Recognition Luncheon. 7: Al and Anne Gleine from Ha’Penny, and Police Chief Heinz von Eckartsberg. 8: City of Dublin Councilwoman Jane Fox, and Chamber Executive Director Margie Amorose. h ealTh d enTal V ision l ife Frank Harmon T hird P arTy & C obra a dminisTraTion W ellness d isabiliTy Dublin Chamber News 11