Dual Credit Student Handbook 2022 2022 | Page 4

The benefits of taking dual credit courses include :

BENEFITS of Dual Credit

As a high school student , you have many academic and career paths to consider for your future . Most careers today require you to have some level of college education . So why not take some college level courses while you ’ re still in high school ? There are many different options available to you with some BIG benefits !

The benefits of taking dual credit courses include :

• Saving money in pursuit of your college degree .
• Enabling you to potentially take fewer credits each semester when you ’ re in college .
• Earning college credits toward an NWTC certificate , technical diploma , associate degree , or the potential of transferring to another college or university .
• Experiencing college level coursework and learning how to navigate a syllabus , college assignments , papers , and exams .
• Experiencing Blackboard , an online learning management system .
• Increasing the likelihood of pursuing a college education .



is a college schedule designed with student success in mind . Courses in NWTC programs are offered in eight-week sessions . Each academic year will include a total of five 8-week sessions : two 8-week sessions in fall , two 8-week sessions in spring , and one 8-week session in summer .