DTLA LIFE MAG #5 | MAY 2014 | Page 8

Long gone are the days of pouring a cup of coffee , opening the Sunday paper and browsing the real estate listings over a leisurely breakfast . While sifting through different areas , photos and descriptions , you would find yourself picking out your dream home and planning the perfect future along with 2.2 children , your dream car and perfect mate to share your fantasy .
Nowadays , those with real estate envy can whet their appetites 24- hours a day , between the online real estate listings , a myriad of real estate websites and the host of networks with different real estate based television – featuring homes for sale , dramatic real estate reality shows , design shows , and my personal favorite the fixer-up home show .
The National Association of Realtors found that 52 % percent of people go online first when they are considering buying a home . And what a great option it can be as you can refine your search to include all your preferences including locations , number of bedrooms or bathrooms , views , whatever your wants and needs may be . There are street-view maps , virtual tours , mortgage calculators , area statistics ; you name it- it is online .
If you ' re looking to actually purchase a home , however , the ubiquity of real estate can make the prospect of a search overwhelming . The process is not friendly , regardless of who you are or how much money you have to spend . When a new home is just a glimmer in your eye , you can use online and mobile tools to help get started , but sifting through online listings can be the equivalent of joining a dating site where the perfect online home never matches the reality and the information listed is either out of date or simply untrue ! With the prevalence of the internet , more information has become available to the average home shopper or seller , but is that enough when it comes to your largest financial investment ?


Many people are under assumption that public real estate websites have the same information that is available to real estate professionals . Not so .
The truth is realtors have access to a great deal more valuable information than what the public sees . There is information like how many times the property has been offered for sale , and when , for how much , and how many times it has sold in the past . Real estate agents will also have access to the listing date , expiry date , required deposit and information that play a vital role in determining value or developing a negotiation strategy . This information could make the difference between getting your offer accepted or being overlooked as a “ non-serious ” buyer .


Realtors also have access to information such as what similar homes in the area have sold for , how often they become available for sale , how long it takes on average for a home to sell in the area . This type of information is vital when determining the true value of the home . Online real estate sites simply pull from data strings , so when living in an area like Downtown Los Angeles , the same zip code will pull up homes in the Historic Core and value them against homes which are skid-row adjacent . The computer string has no personal way to differentiate the difference from one street to the next in this type of growing area . The online “ determined value ” can be therefore greatly skewed and simply confusing .


Each buyer is unique , each seller is unique , and every property is unique , as is each buying or selling experience . It ' s because of this fact that the value of utilizing a professional real estate agent will never be duplicated by simply performing an internet search . It is the knowledge and expertise which they bring to the table that allows them to interpret the information of your unique situation and help you in making this very important decision . You may look at a piece of information one way and a professional will see it from a completely different angle — an insiders ' perspective which can change everything .
There are other things to think about when searching real estate online . Some sites are less than stellar and some can even steer you in the wrong direction , baiting you with homes that are not actually for sale at prices that seem — and are — too good to be true . The online information can be so out of date that homes you see for sale currently have actually sold months and months ago . While searching real estate online is a great way to get started and can help to define exactly what you are looking for and where , retaining the services of a professional real estate agent , who is an expert in the area you are searching , should be an integral part of your purchase .


You want to choose an agent that knows the area ( s ) in which you are searching , that is able to provide sales information , has a long term history in real estate sales , references and will he be available to show your home to potential buyers or show you homes when it ’ s convenient for you – or will you have to rearrange your schedule for him ? Remember , just because your sister ’ s cousin ’ s best friend is a real estate agent , that doesn ’ t mean they are the right agent for you . Be wary of an agent who looks too eager to make a quick sale . A good agent will want to build a solid relationship with you , so that you call him whenever you want to buy or sell your next home .
If you would like further information or a private consultation , feel free to stop by our offices in the heart of the Historic Core ( at 6th and Spring Streets ),


Email Tiffany @ laloftsrealty . com or give me a call at 213.447.4130 . At LA LOFTS Realty , we are more than just your realtors , we are your neighbors .


Tiffany Gatto


LA LOFTS Realty ® 548 S Spring Street # 109 Los Angeles , CA 90013
213 626 5433 tiffany @ laloftsrealty . com www . laloftsrealty . com 6TH STREET BRIDGE