DTLA LIFE MAG #21 | SEPTEMBER 2015 | Page 41

On October 8th, Libert and Renoird will participate as members of a keynote panel of French ex-pat cultural influencers in LA, organized by and held at the Pacific Design Center. The French Connection, moderated by the Hollywood Reporter’s Degen Pener, will address the Franco/LA fixation, and the ongoing cultural reciprocity of both centers. As LA’s once loved, regrettably neglected, and newly rediscovered downtown continues to evolve and come into its own, its revitalized pulse is undeniable. Libert and Renoird seized upon DTLA’s cultural potential in the midst of its inchoate reimagining, set-up camp personally and professionally squarely in the middle of it, and weren’t afraid to be game-changers. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER 549 South Olive Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 263 0037 www.pleasedonotenter.com