DTLA LIFE MAG #18 | JUNE 2015 | Page 9

We are living in interesting times and an interesting real estate market in Downtown Los Angeles where the supply is outweighing the inventory and overseas investors are grabbing all the great buys with cash offers. For first time buyers, the idea of making an offer on a unit with multiple offers can be daunting. There are some proven negotiation skills that will put you in front of your fellow buyers and win you the home of your dreams! While money talks, most sellers are interested in the overall picture including the buyer profile, financial documents actual offer and other pertinent information. Sellers with good agents will do their homework before grabbing the highest bidder. Sometimes going for the highest price can find the seller with a risky investment that will not close escrow in the end. So as a buyer in a multiple offer situation what can you do to win the bid? Offering an increased deposit is a definite way to catch the seller’s attention. If you put up a larger deposit amount versus the standard percentage it goes towards your down payment any way and is money that is well spent. Most experienced real estate agents or brokers will suggest that you send in your “proof of funds” with your offer. If you have a cash offer this means a bank statement with the proper amounts showing or showing a pre-approval letter from the bank if you are seeking a loan. Giving into the seller’s requests, for example a longer move out period or a quicker escrow can help move an offer along. While going in with your best offer first seems risky in a competitive situation where you need your offer to shine, not beating up the seller and showing your cards can be the best way to move into a final deal. Everything’s negotiable, right? Don’t forget to do your homework or hire a real estate agent that is an expert in your area to do it for you. Knowing the values of the properties in your area is key. Sometimes sellers price their homes below market in an effort to attract multiple offers. Having this information at your fingertips is priceless. Well, not exactly priceless, but can save you money! When you have an idea that the seller is seeking multiple bids your real estate agent or broker can help you put your offer in above the asking price and within market value so you are in a great position. In these cases you don’t want