DTLA LIFE MAG #18 | JUNE 2015 | Page 54

Debunking the ‘other’ myth: Cats can be social creatures too. Although personal pets were not permitted on the show floor (a big bummer to those feeling some degree of heavy petting withdrawal), many did travel to attend with their humans and met-up afterward at Meow Meet LA, an independent after-party event hosted at Hotel Figueroa by Almost Invisible Cat Litter featuring a carnivore kitty treat bar by Pussy & Pooch, and kitten adoptions by local rescues Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats, and Feline Charity. More than 300 cat lovers (and dozens of cats) attended the free community event to meet and mingle and show off their feline best in carriers, on leashes, in bags, and in strollers. Many of the cats are famous for being famous on social media like event organizer Karen McGill’s cat Bagel, aka Sunglass Cat, recently named ‘Fan Favorite’ on Animal Planet’s America’s Next Cat Star. More than just a style statement, having been born without eyelids, Bagel wears the sunglasse 2F