DTLA LIFE MAG #18 | JUNE 2015 | Page 4

It’s not news that summer season is the best time for real estate. You have been asking a lot if it’s still a great time to buy in Downtown LA, and I have to answer YES. Downtown LA have seen pricing rises since the last few years and a few of you are thinking twice about buying thinking that the investment is not as good as it was in 2009. However every studies, experts, media and professionals would all say the same thing: BUY in DTLA. There’s several reasons that we believe prices will continue to go up; lack of inventory, new luxury condominium buildings on the way that would bring the comps up, success of units above $1,000/sf, oversees investments, retail expansion, luxury brands on the way, east coasters moving in LA, major improvement of living and I can continue on and on. LA has become an eldorado for people around the world and the renaissance of Downtown LA is the main reason that our city is growing and attracting more and more creative people and big companies to move here. No matter what can westsiders (outsiders) say, the future of LA is in DTLA. Alex LiMandri Editor-in-Chief DTLA LIFE TM | Magazine! www.laloftsrealty.com www.dwellhomes.com www.dtlalife.com