DSP-SPM80-PDF Jan. 2015 | Seite 7

they are friends from when I was a kid or people who I know cur- YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT THE CHALLENGES OF WRITING rently. I also feel like I put a lot of myself into all of my characters ABOUT CHILDREN AND ADULTS FACING MORAL DECISIONS OR as well as my personal experiences from my own life. Adventures OVERCOMING EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES? that I had as a kid in my old neighborhood with my brothers and close friends in the woods next to where we lived, these things all AZ: Thanks for noticing that! As far as the challenges of writing lend themselves to some of my stories, such as LITTLE SOLDIERS. about children and adults facing moral decisions and/or overcoming extreme circumstances, I personally feel that, when it comes SP!: THE WEBSITE FEATURES VIDEO TRAILERS FOR ALL OF YOUR to writing about children, there is that inherent innocence that all TITLES. COULD YOU EXPLAIN THE PROCESS OF CREATING THEM, children possess. We, as adults, did have it at one time, but then WHO WROTE THEM, DIRECTED THEM, ETC? there is that one moment that happens and you discover that your innocence is lost and now you have that edge, that jadedAZ: Yeah, in regard to the video trailers, this is something that we ness. But it’s walking that fine razor’s edge as far as how to balance wanted to do that we feel is different than what everyone else is that. We all know that conflict is what pushes any story forward, doing. We wanted to give the readers and people who are inter- so by putting children in situations where they must overcome ested in our books an immersive experience via a short clip of extreme circumstances or having them make moral decisions, each project, kind of to better explain the premise of each book. they will ultimately choose differently than an adult would. It’s I think the video trailer has a certain effect that draws people in, being able to weigh these two different outcomes against each because we are such an information-overload type of society that other, almost like a puppeteer pulling the strings of the puppet to we need and want information directly and as quickly as we can get it. So, instead of having to read a synopsis, we give you a little movie-type trailer that you can just watch on your computer or mobile device. It’s fun and different and kind of interactive. As far as the process of creating them, most of them were written by me and directed/put together by my business partner on the West Coast. SP!: WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF MOTION COMICS? BASED ON YOUR TRAILERS I CAN SEE POTENTIAL IN YOUR STORIES BEING PRESENTED THIS WAY. AZ: I am definitely a fan of motion comics. I like that aspect of the static panels of a comic book coming to life, even slightly, with that touch of motion. It is another layer that raises the overall comic book experience. I definitely agree that, based off of our trailers for our projects, our books definitely lend themselves to a motion comic arena. Now, without giving too much away, this is something that we are working on as well as working towards. We have some unique things that we are working on, creating, and moving towards, as well as some other things that are new, different, and that I think no other comic book company is currently doing. Keep your eyes on Inkwerk Studios; you don’t want to miss anything! The future is now! S P !: YO U R T I T L E S H AV E T H E M E S A B O U T CHOICES, OBLIGATIONS, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND CONSEQUENCES, AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN (WISH, CHERUBS), YOUNG ADULTS (JIN HU), AND MATURE, EDUCATED MEN. CAN SELF PUBLISHER MAGAZINE 2015  7