Drum Magazine Issue 4 | Page 7

DEPARTMENTS: 10 EDITOR’S THOUGHTS: Dry Land Tourist A press trip to the caribbean isn’t all fun, sun and glamour. 12 MAIL: Letters To The Editor Win a year’s subscription to Drum (6 issues free) for every letter we print. 14 EVENTS: What’s Going On... Leela James tells what she’s got to say; its annual charity ball and cricket match time again for the Bajan cultural organisation; the beat of the Drum hits the stage in Who Killed Mr Drum?; Baby Fathers organise for justice. 22 PROFILES: The Man Hunt Van Hunt on art, indie rock, and the cost of shopping in London. 111 THE LOWDOWN: The latest news before it happens. PERSONAL & SPIRITUAL: 17 ENTERPRISE: A Dream Deferred The Plan was to graduate college, work for a year, get a professional degree, and ascend to world dominance. What happened? 52 GROOMING: Shaving Wet Or Dry? Hints & Tips for achieving that close shave. 80 FAITH: The Colour Of Islamophobia The connection between faith, politics and human rights revealed. STYLE & FASHION: 08 DRUM VISION: As was, is, forever shall be. 30 FOR HER: The Dorothy Dandridge Story 38 OBJECT OF DESIRE: Vertu Signature White Gold 54 WEARS: Dappers’ Sunday Brunch 65 INTERIOR: The House That Newts Built Fancy a place in the sun? What’s stopping you? Photographed by Kofi Allen