Letters to
the Editor
What’s on your mind? If you’ve got a
comment on one of our stories or about
an important issue of the day, mail, fax
or email it to us: details below.
Letter of the Month
Soul sustenance
I was brought up in a home where black love was
personified in every aspect of our communications as a
family. Today as a father, and one who has been with the
same woman for 33-years, 2 sons later there is still love as
a family. I gave my wife a copy of your magazine to read.
Her response to the article was to insist that our two sons
read the article also.
The response from our sons was positive and enlightening.
“We only have to look at you both to know that black love
is not dead. We appreciate the way in which you have
brought us up these past 24 years and the fact that we are
all still together as a family is a tribute to you both. Don’t
worry, you will have black grand-children.”
Our sons have left home, sharing an apartment together, and both at university. Even though they
have flown the nest, they still insist on spending Sunday afternoons with my wife and me, enjoying
good family meals and having meaningful conversations about life and relationships. From what we
know, they both have stable long-term relationships with black girls.
I have given copies of your magazine to my local barber, and the owner of my local West Indian
takeaway for them to display in their establishments. The debate must continue, if we are to keep
black love alive and positive. Culture is the key.
Rupert Brown, Brockley, London, UK.
“ Drum is like a great
lover, it leaves you always
begging for more, and with
each issue it delivers the
goods–a serious kick in the
ass of other publicationsFEEL IT! ”
Instant appeal
DRUM is completely different in a good way. We
African Americans have instant identification with
the A5 size format of Drum because of JET magazine.
Everyone read JET and for most people in cities like
Chicago it was a rite of passage to sell JET on the “L”
trains and buses. However, the visual quality of Drum
is blowing these folks away in the USA!
Troy Longmere, Chicago, USA.