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Sale quodsi duo ea
Vel illum honestatis
Complectitur cu pri iriure persequeris
Eu ius bonorum torquatos
Ulputet veros dolor eriustin utpat.
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About me...
I am a student from San Francisco de Paula, 16 years old. I have always been fascinated on what drugs do to our brain, what consequences can come from just taking a small dose and the aftermath of people who have consumed drugs for a while. So, I have decided that for my personal project, I would research on this topic and compile the information I find into this magazine.
I do not encouraging the use of any of these drugs, what I am doing is compiling the facts and information known into this magazine, for people curious and interested in knowing more about the world behind drugs.
I have had help from all kinds of people in order to complete this project who I would like to thank for all the help given. I would like to thank first of all my parents who have been very supportive throughout the year and also my extended family, my friends in my year group who have given me inspiration. I would also like to thank the people who have helped me with the investigation who've spent time giving me their honest opinions and views on the subjects. Finally, thank the teachers of San Francisco de Paula who have helped me with the project and organization.