I will include what to do in certain scenarios, which any person might encounter while going out with friends. It is often unclear what to do in emergency situations, when the person is under the effects of alcohol. This guide will help you know what to do if you encounter a friend or anyone intoxicated by alcohol.
Alcohol poisoning
This can occur when a person drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time, it can be treated at home but is not recommended. Only treat at home if you know how much that person has drank and what is it that they have drank, if that information is unknown you must rush the person to hospital.
How to recognize a poisoning
• Vomiting
• Confusion
• Decreased body temperature
• Pale skin
• Passing out
• Trouble breathing
'Just sleep it off'
If a person doesn't show many signs of awareness and seems to be nodding off, do not let them sleep, immediately call for help, this could be your friend entering a alcohol caused coma.
'Hes puking all over, make him stop'
Although it doesn't sound very good, by vomiting after a large consumption of alcohol it is doing better for the person, since they are vomiting the alcohol that hasn't been digested yet, therefore that alcohol will no longer be in the persons system, this means the situation will probably not escalate but doesn't mean they can keep on drinking! The person has to be put into recovery position so that they do not choke on their vomit
'Their out of control'
If your friend is out of control and not acting like themselves, best thing to do is change environment, go take a walk and talk to them, if this doesn't work and they continue to be out of control, best thing is to take them back home or to a safe place.
Recovery position