DRL Studios Newsletter - August 2013 September 2013 | Page 12

Expert Videos

In the time since the last issue, we have also made many journeys down to Expert Logistics in Crewe. We have shot a variety of videos for Expert, notably a showcase of the business in the style of MTV Cribs and also a Expert Logistics 10,000,000th delivery video for use on social media.

In addition to those two, we have

plenty more in the editing suite as

this issue goes out, so by next

month, there’ll be even more to

show you.


And to finally finish off the round up of what has been one of the busiest periods in the history of the studios, we also have a website on the way to illustrate everything that we can offer.

With the plan of attracting even more third party work, having our very own space on the internet for people to browse our wide range of services should help us reach our target – TO BE THE GO TO PLACE FOR ANYBODY WANTING TO CREATE ONLINE VIDEO!!!