Phase 1 (In car) Duration Full Lesson and Ongoing Development
In the initial stage the instructor presents the driver with a near miss scenario using the resources outlined later in this document. The instructor outlines the scenario and then asks the learner to grade each vehicle for how responsible they felt the driver was and what more they felt the driver could have done to avoid the incident(avoidability). The scoring system uses a 1 to 5 scale, 1 being low and 5 being high. The instructor should ask the driver to give reasons for their score and should ask questions to encourage the driver to consider the issues from a number of different perspectives. To some extent the scores are not important as the aim of this section is to encourage the critical think process. The most important element is that the driver gives all the vehicles a score for responsibility and avoidability, having analysed their role in the incident.
Phase 2 (Self-learning)
In this stage the learner will be asked to complete a worksheet encouraging them to consider and develop a list of when they feel they should carry out self-reflection of their driving. This list of ‘trigger events’ could include;
Phase 3 (In car) Duration 3-5 min max
In this stage the instructor and learner will review and discuss the identified trigger events. The instructor should also ask the learner and discuss the answer to the following questions.