Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union September 2013 | Page 7

currently set out with such ambiguity and so much should be classroom based, as it will take far too much time sat at the road side which may cause ADI's to lose customers and therefore not comply with it, which was shown up on the trial as pupils pulled out. Neither will it be complied with by those who do courses that just teach pupils to pass the test in a week.

This could decimate the businesses of many who have not agreed to this CoP nor would they had they been a party to it in the format it was sent to the DSA let alone the original format..

Finally, the DSA could not attract enough ADI's to sign up to a CoP so they got the National Associations to do the dirty work for them. It is an absolute shame that the concerns of both Dib-Unite and DIDU were not heeded. Is this the final straw that breaks the camels back as far as trust is concerned between us and the DSA? That remains to be seen. I just hope that members do not now face what could be an easier method of sanctioning or even removal from the register by a back door method of control that we have known the DSA have been looking for over many years, which has now been handed to them on a plate.

On the 3rd July the Registrar sent out an email which is designed to encourage everyone to sign up to the CoP, by renewing their registration, which in effect suggests that by signing up you agree to the CoP as well as being included in "Find your Nearest." If you don't renew your registration then you won't be included on the Find your Nearest! Is this blackmail?

Time will tell.


David Hickenbotham DIB-UNITE

Barry Kenward - DIDU

Recently research has taken place to see what the take up is amongst ADI's. Research showed 1.2% of those on find your nearest had also agreed to the CoP.

Here however is the most interesting fact. The author of the CoP has not signed up to the document he wrote; neither have the chairman of ADINJC or DISC. DIA owners can't sign up to the CoP, as DIA is privately owned and the owners are not ADI's.