on producing it but if it were to become compulsory at some point we would need to revise it again as we see this one as voluntary and wouldn’t want to see it used as mandatory without our knowledge."
Over a period of months both DIDU and Dib-Unite made representations to the other Associations of their concerns that this would come back to bite us all in the butt, if we were not careful about what was included and how it was framed. As it was, one could, (and still can) drive a double decker bus through the glaring holes which any decent lawyer would extricate any ADI who find themselves in contravention of this CoP. Indeed both DIDU and Dib-Unite had people look at it (informally) and the responses are well recorded in correspondence; to the effect don't sign it!!
Dib-Unite produced good research to assist the other Associations of the pro's and con's of having a CoP which are also well publicised in correspondence; in effect it should be unanimously accepted by all association; it should be fair to all; it should be honestly written.
The CoP was none of these things. It didn't say it was voluntary, it was stacked against the very people who were to lose most by it, (ADI's); neither does it tackle the issues of driving schools, (be they ADI led or not) who use sharp practice to advertise, and there was no integrity in its writing as it just waved a big stick at everyone.
It has come to the notice of both Dib-Unite and DIDU that this CoP has now been passed to the Minister for his approval. It has also come to DIDU's and Dib-Unite's notice that the Registrar is considering "Civil Sanctions" for ADIs who do not conform to a CoP. You might now be wondering what are civil sanctions? In the current consultation it mentions fines, which is a similar approach to Civil Sanctions as he will need to use legislation to enforce fines, which coincidently this legislation might provide that authority. See link:
This was a consultation the government started in 2009 of which this document was then circulated in March 2010. It makes for very good reading. The grape-vine told us of fines of £200. If you read this document you will see that is a bargain. But I am sure YOU did not really expect