Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union March 2014 | Page 6

ADI Grading Update

With regards to the ADI grading issue that was raised in February’s newsletter.

Further emails/correspondence has been circulated between the ADI national associations that are members of the National Associations Steering Group (NASG)

Below is the response sent from Dib-Unite;

Before Dib-Unite can respond, we have a process that must be adhered too.

All members of the executive committee are circulated with the potential response and asked for amendments, alterations or factual corrections. We are not autocratic; we were democratically elected to represent our members’ interests. The interests of members are paramount to Dib-Unite. Sometimes members of the EC have full diary’s or as I am away for several days at a time. I don't always stop at places with wi-fi. With the above in mind, responses can be held up. We also have a requirement to consult with Unite. Matt being the National Officer is also away from his desk for long periods during the day or several days.

Much of the correspondence has not been fully circulated and I note many times I have not received correspondence, as some have removed my email from the CC list. This started before the response was sent the Mark Magee on the 20th December 2013.

Back to the point in hand

As the DVSA has already moved away from testing ability in favour of the EU directive for compliance to standards, this would be a good opportunity to end the grading system. Ability can be graded; standards are either met or not met. This is all that should be measured.

DVSA are involved with other forms of testing such as the driving test and MOT testing. These are tests against a standard, no grades; you meet the standard and pass, or don’t meet the standard and require a retest.

The original agreement was for some form of indicator for an ADI to judge their ability against. This, the Dib-Unite reluctantly agreed to. Since then there

has been a survey conducted with several thousand ADI’s taking part in the