Code of Practice update
Following last months e-newslatter there has been some response from other national associations.
Response from DIDU;
You have still not adjusted the introduction to reflect accurately who is supporting this COP. Indeed I query if it needs to be in the second sentence at all!
DSA and the driving instruction industry place great emphasis on professional standards and business ethics. This code of practice has been agreed between DSA and all the main bodies representing ADI's listed at the end of this document ; it is a framework within which all
instructors should operate.
Why don't you say FOUR of the SIX ADI instructor representative groups? In this way it does not look, initially, like everyone agrees with it. By the time ADI's get to the bottom of the document they will have forgotten those first two lines. Alternatively REMOVE it altogether and just leave the list at the end to suffice?
Appreciating your hard work to appease the DSA - it is still a dogs dinner that is not necessary, because the DSA have already made it clear (by doing the checks they do and allowing entry to the register) that ADI's are fit and proper. Until they have been proven differently, (and there are systems in place to do that) that is how it should remain, as a COP suggests something different. There is already belt and braces, why is there a need for a noose?
DISC's response;
I am happy to confirm that today the full DISC Council approved v6.0 of the CoP. We all wanted to pass on our thanks to you for all of the work you have put into the co-ordination and redefinition of the document.