Modernising Driver Training Consultation
Firstly have you responded if not, why no? The closing date is 8th August 2013. However if you have read the consultation in paragraph 121 it states “Responses must arrive no later than 9 September although earlier receipt would help us. Please note that we are unable to consider any comments received anonymously.” Even the consultation not quite sure the exact closing date.
The ADI National Association wrote to Mr Mark Magee the Registrar asking for the consultation period to be extended to the full 12 weeks that could be allowed.
The Registrar has rejected this request even though there is considerable material to read and digest. Plus associations need to consult members and gather responses.
Reply from Mark Magee to the National Association request;
As you know, we are taking a number of additional steps to increase awareness and further engage with the industry now that the consultation document has been published. These include this morning’s web chat and holding a series of further workshops with ORDIT trainers (we held a number of initial workshops last summer).
I also attended a regional meeting last night. I should add that none of the ADI’s or ORDIT trainers present questioned the length of the consultation period. Neither do I believe that it arose at this morning’s web chat.
So far we have received more than 300 responses to the consultation.
I can, of course, reassure you that any completed questionnaires received a few days after 6 August will still be considered.
Mark Magee | Registrar & Director
The question has to be asked why the consultation is being so rushed.