Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union August 2013 | Page 15

Our ref: 1210/01504

6 November 2012

Dear *****

Thank you for your email of 31 October.

I am sorry I cannot help you with your enquiry, the information you are asking for is a confidential arrangement between government agencies under Protect Commercial.

Yours sincerely

Carole Hodgson

Corporate Correspondence

The writer wrote back asking them to define ‘Protect Commercial’ and sent a Freedom of Information request asking about costs involved in providing the training.

DSA’s reply

our ref: IA/00665/12



Further to Alison Wilson’s email of 12 November 2012, I can confirm that members of DSA training staff have been carrying out car and trailer (B+E) training for Highways Agency staff.

You have asked us to explain what the term ‘Protect Commercial’ means; you can find extracts from our internal documentation below which give guidance on how these terms should be used.

Extract taken from document entitled – ‘Protective markings guidance’

”PROTECT” - On a “need to know” basis. Because it contains: Large quantities (1000+) of non-sensitive personal details, or small quantities of sensitive personal data (eg. health, criminality). Data which should be safeguarded but which would not cause ongoing worry to the public if lost.’