Drink and Drugs News DDN Wider Health Hep C_web | Page 8


Recent advances have changed the landscape ... Oral treatments can now take as little as eight to 16 weeks , are generally well tolerated , and have very high success rates ’
Anyone concerned about whether or not they may have been , or are currently , at risk of contracting hepatitis C , should seek advice from a healthcare professional . GP surgeries , sexual health clinics , genitourinary medicine ( GUM ) clinics and drug treatment services all now offer testing for hepatitis C .


Public Health England 1 . Hepatitis C in the UK – 2018 report www . gov . uk / government / publications / hepatitis-c-in-the-uk 2 . Hepatitis C in England – 2018 report www . gov . uk / government / publications / hepatitis-c-in-the-uk
World Health Organization
3 . Global hepatitis report 2017 origin . who . int / hepatitis / publications / global-hepatitisreport2017 / en /
8 . www . who . int / hepatitis / publications / hepelimination-by-2030-brief / en /
4 . World drug report 2018 – page 7 www . unodc . org / wdr2018 / prelaunch / WDR18 _ Booklet _ 1 _ EXSUM . pdf
NHS Choices 5 . www . nhs . uk / conditions / hepatitis-c / complications / 6 . www . nhs . uk / conditions / hepatitis-c /
The Hepatitis C Trust 7 . www . hepctrust . org . uk / information / about-hepatitis-cvirus / genotypes-hepatitis-c
NHS England 9 . www . england . nhs . uk / 2018 / 01 / hepatitis-c-2 /
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Liver Health
10 . Inquiry report : Eliminating hepatitis C in England www . appghep . org . uk / download / reports / Eliminating % 20Hep % 20C % 20APPG . pdf
World Health Organization
1 . Global hepatitis report 2017 origin . who . int / hepatitis / publications / global-hepatitisreport2017 / en /
British Medical Journal 2 . Decompensated cirrhosis . BMJ , clinical review : www . bmj . com / content / 352 / bmj . i124 :
Office of National Statistics
3 . Statistical bulletin , Cancer survival in England : adult , stage at diagnosis and childhood - patients followed up to 2016 , available at https :// www . ons . gov . uk / peoplepopulationandcommunity / healthandsocialcare / conditionsanddiseases / bulletins / ca ncersurvivalinengland / adultstageatdiagnosisandchildhoo dpatientsfollowedupto2016 # cancer-survival-in-englandpatients-diagnosed-between-2011-and-2015-andfollowed-up-to-2016-national-statistics ( accessed , September 2018 )
London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C 4 . HCV testing in NSP ( needle and syringe provision ) community pharmacies pilot ( phase 1 ) http :// www . hcvaction . org . uk / resource / hcv-testing-nspneedle-and-syringe-provision-community-pharmaciespilot-phase-1
The Hepatitis C Trust 5 . www . hepctrust . org . uk / information / testing
/ testing-hepatitis-c
NHS Choices 6 . www . nhs . uk / conditions / liver-transplant
Global Commission on Drug Policy
7 . The world drug perception problem – countering prejudices about people who use drugs www . globalcommissionondrugs . org / reports / changing-perceptions /
8 . ‘ I ’ m Worth ...’ Campaign : a disease awareness programme , developed and paid for by Gilead Sciences Ltd .
World Health Organization
1 . Global hepatitis report 2017 origin . who . int / hepatitis / publications / global-hepatitisreport2017 / en /
London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C
2 . HCV testing in NSP ( needle and syringe provision ) community pharmacies pilot ( phase 1 ) http :// www . hcvaction . org . uk / sites / default / files / resources / LJWG-Pharmacy-Testing-Phase-1-final-report- . pdf
The Hepatitis C Trust 3 . www . hepctrust . org . uk / introduction-treatment
NHS Choices 4 . www . nhs . uk / conditions / liver-transplant /
The Wider Health series is written and produced by Drink and Drugs News ( DDN ), the free , independent monthly magazine for the substance misuse sector . www . drinkanddrugsnews . com
This supplement has been funded by AbbVie and Gilead , who have had input into the content . The final editorial decision has been DDN ’ s . AbbVie : AXHCV181022 . Gilead : HCV / UK / 18-09 / MA / 2258 . Oct 2018


All-Party Parliamentary Group on Liver Health www . appghep . org . uk
HCV Action www . hcvaction . org . uk
Hepatitis C Initiative www . hepatitis-c-initiative . eu
National Aids Trust www . nat . org . uk
The British Liver Trust www . britishlivertrust . org . uk
The Hepatitis C Coalition www . hepc-coalition . uk
The Hepatitis C Trust www . hepctrust . org . uk
NHS England www . england . nhs . uk
NICE www . nice . org . uk
NHSSMPA ( for NHS treatment providers ) www . nhs-substance-misuse-provideralliance . org . uk
Public Health England www . gov . uk / government / organisations / public-health-england
Addaction www . addaction . org . uk
Blenheim CDP www . blenheimcdp . org . uk
Change , Grow , Live www . changegrowlive . org
Equinox www . equinoxcare . org . uk
Phoenix Futures www . phoenix-futures . org . uk
Turning Point www . turning-point . co . uk
Adfam ( family support ) www . adfam . org . uk
SMMGP ( supports good treatment practice ) www . smmgp . org . uk