Drink and Drugs News DDN October 2018 | страница 2

Had a f fe few e w too many r recently? ecently? 0 1 7 0 , 00 v e e h a pe o pl le ee ned s c r re l v es on th t h emselv I t Up. t t leIt t B ott DontB tak e the alcohol test lised G et free , persona r drin king at advice ab out you uk org.u do ntbottle it up . .o minutes! - it only tak es two .uk g r o . p u it le t t o b t don eItUp to o bring DontBottl T To t in touch your local area, ge g uk p . org. ttleitup. support@dontbo R eg istered office: 210 W andsworth h R oad, L ondon, SW8 2JU | blenheimcdp . org.uk lzpklu{pisyloijwyvnyittlz{oi{wyv}pklv|{z{iukpunylz|s{zmvywlvwsl~p{o ky|niukis‚vovswyvjsltzœ  ayi‚lƶv|zl› wl‚pispz{Ƶltisl›gus€ lzpklu{pis ly}p‚l|zlyzoi}l{opz{vzi€ijv|{{olpylwlyplu‚lpuv|y  2i{pvuis wl‚pispz{Ƶitps€ ly}p‚l ylzpklu{pis¤  olmmplsk lzpklu{pis ly}p‚l  pyyis lzpklu{pis ly}p‚l  ‚v{{pzo lzpklu{pis ly}p‚l “We have unity in our Community. This is something I didn’t have in my life as an alcohol user. I am grateful for this and I feel part of something now.” – Robert Our residential rehabilitation services cater for people with alcohol problems, not just drug problems. We offer medically supported alcohol detox* over a period of up to 16 days. We utilise a range of alcohol assessment tools including: SADQ, FAST Alcohol Assessment, and ASI to best understand individual need and plan support. * Detox not available at Grace House www.phoenix-futures.org.uk Phoenix Futures is a registered charity in England and Wales (No 284880) and in Scotland (No SCO39008) “When using alcohol I isolated myself. Now that I am part of a Therapeutic Community we work together.” – Willie ly}p‚l|zlyzylwvy{lki£ôªptwyv}ltlu{v|{‚vtlz‚vylzmvy is‚vovstpz|zlvu‚vtwsl{pvuvmwyvnyittlœ @ phoenixfutures1 /phoenixfutures @ phoenixfutures1