for fair chances
c l b i e r t y s d z
x c s d f k a a s a s
Providing tailored, integrated services nationally.
We’re committed to providing local services, actively seeking to collaborate
and partner where this meets the needs of local people and communities.
web: telephone: 01325 731160
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A place to recover and
recapture lost ambitions.
From the moment you enter LHTC you will
never be “just another service user”. You will
be entering a place where each day is not just
another day – you will have an opportunity to
recover and recapture lost ambitions.
You will collaborate with the professional team
to develop a personalised therapeutic plan.
The programme incorporates the latest
research and evidence in the field of addiction
and associated behaviours, strengthening your
ability to learn a new way to THINK so you can
develop a NEW way to be.
Admissions Team – 01524 771500
[email protected]
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01/04/2019 17:17