Drink and Drugs News DDN February 2019 | Page 3

Keep in touch with us via Facebook and Twitter! /DDNMagazine @DDNMagazine Contents ON THE COVER editor’s letter ‘We need to challenge the narrative on homelessness’ Empowering service users, p6 4 NEWS Worrying increase in ‘county lines’ activity; alcohol focus for new NHS plan. 6 A CAPITAL IDEA How WDP’s Capital Card is engaging service users in their recovery. 8 THE RIGHT FORMULA Proper understanding is key to helping people with NPS problems. 9 READING THE SIGNALS Taking a non-judgemental approach to chemsex issues. 10 STREET SMART The ISEU project is taking outreach to the next level, says Peter Burleigh. 11 EXCHANGE How funding from UK Steel Enterprise is helping service users on Teesside. 11 A SAFE GATEWAY APPG members hear how police are piloting a health-based approach to possession. 12 COUNTDOWN TO ERADICATION Delegates at the LJWG conference get up to speed on the NHS hepatitis C strategy. 14 CZAR GAZING Mike Trace gives a personal view on drug policy successes, failures and challenges. 15 LETTERS & OPINION Consumption room controversies; media moguls; adverse childhood experiences. 16 BECOMING VISIBLE Taking a new approach to homelessness at the ‘Addressing complexity’ conference. 19 THE RIGHT REHAB Ensuring services fit your clients’ needs is the key to success, says Turning Point. 20 REVIEWS Mark Reid on the latest look at America’s worsening opioid crisis. DDN is published by CJ Wellings Ltd, Romney House, School Road, Ashford, Kent TN27 0LT t: 0845 299 3429 www.drinkanddrugsnews.com T he rising rate of homelessness in this country is a scandal that shames our society. Furthermore, we are passive to the theory that through wrong choices, drugs and alcohol, those on the streets nominate their fate as they become consigned to an invisible underclass that will die a third of a lifetime sooner than they should. We need, as Alex Stevens says (page 16), to challenge the narrative and acknowledge the moral bankruptcy involved. Crucially, we must do more to bring evidence to daily practice through simple, cost- effective harm reduction, early interventions, and the confidence to reach out and create strong peer networks. Turning our backs on this situation and leaving it to others is not an option – we have the knowledge and the networks to disseminate better practice and ensure that people like Jo (who brought her experience to the recent conference on homelessness) do not fall through the gaps. An important part of the story is the case studies provided by experts by experience/patients/service users. Their feedback is our gain in improving services, and they should be equal partners in consultation. Our cover story combines service user involvement with innovation and shows what can be achieved as an exciting idea takes hold. This month we’re looking forward to seeing you at our annual conference, where we’ll be hosting a debate on the future shape of service user involvement. Let’s embrace the opportunity to create a national network that has a clear and informed voice and strikes at the heart of where it’s most needed. Claire Brown, editor Conference details and booking at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Keep in touch @DDNmagazine Editor: Claire Brown e: claire@cjwellings.com Subscriptions: e: subs@cjwellings.com Cover by Andre Jenny / Alamy Stock Photo Advertising manager: Ian Ralph e: ian@cjwellings.com website: www.drinkanddrugsnews.com CJ Wellings Ltd does not accept respon si bility for the accuracy of state ments made by contri bu t ors or advertisers. The contents of this magazine are the copyright of CJ Wellings Ltd, but do not necess arily represent its views, or those of its partner organisations. Reporter: David Gilliver e: david@cjwellings.com Designer: Jez Tucker e: jez@cjwellings.com Website support by wiredupwales.com Printed on environmentally friendly paper by the Manson Group Ltd DDN is an independent publication, entirely funded by advertising. Proud to work in partnership with: February 2019 | drinkanddrugsnews | 3