Promotional feature
Finding the detox or rehab
that fits the bill
Quality is all about making sure services match your clients’ needs,
says Turning Point’s regional head of operations, Amanda Lacey
It is estimated that since 2013-14 spending on
residential detox and rehab has reduced by 14
per cent, while in some areas the budget has
been reduced by as much as 58 per cent.
Over the course of my career I’ve seen a shift
towards spending on community drug and
alcohol services away from residential detox
and rehab, but for many people residential
detox and rehab can play a vital role in their
recovery. At Turning Point, we provide
residential detox at Smithfield in central
Manchester and we have two residential
rehab facilities: Stanfield House in Cumbria
and Leigh Bank in Oldham.
Local authorities have less money to spend on
detox and rehab than ever before, which
means that when they make a referral they
need to feel really confident about the quality
of the service the person will receive. The
quality of our residential detox services at
Smithfield was praised by CQC inspectors
following their last visit and Stanfield House,
our residential rehab in Cumbria, has just
been rated ‘good’ with areas of outstanding
practice. Unfortunately, quality is by no means
a given in this part of the sector. In 2017, CQC
published a review of quality in residential
detox facilities; nearly three-quarters were
found to be failing in at least one of the
fundamental standards of care.
Quality isn’t just about clinical guidelines, it’s
also about ensuring the service is genuinely
accessible and tailored to the individual’s
needs in order to maximize their chances of
success. This might be about getting a person
in quickly. Turning Point are able to offer a
detox bed within 21 days, while for our rehabs
it can be within a week. It might be about
having treatment programmes in place that
respond to emerging trends in substance
use – at Smithfield we have developed a detox
for spice, which is a growing problem in some
parts of the country. It might be about
purchasing a package of treatment and
support that is tailored to a person’s particular
circumstances. We have introduced a three-
day ‘kickstart detox’ which is good for high-
functioning dependent drinkers who are in
work and can come in over a weekend and
‘At Turning
Point we
believe that
listening to our
clients is the
key to
With successful
completions at
82 per cent last
year, I feel like
we’ve got this
one right.’
then continue the detox in the community.
Alternatively this might be a good approach
for someone who is suitable for a community
detox but is socially isolated and may not
have friends and family to keep an eye on
them during the first three days, the most
high-risk stage of the detox.
When there was more money available for
residential services, there was still unmet need.
People with caring responsibilities, such as
those with children, have often been excluded
from residential services, so Turning Point has
introduced ‘dayhab’. This allows people to get
all the benefits of a 12-week rehab programme,
including developing therapeutic alliances with
other service users, while still being able to
return home to their families at night. At
Stanfield House we also have kennels, which
means that people can bring their dog.
At Turning Point we believe that listening to our
clients is the key to developing responsive
services that provide what people need, at a
price commissioners are willing to pay. With
successful completions at 82 per cent last year, I
feel like we’ve got this one right. A piece of
feedback from a client at Smithfield comes to
mind: ‘To each and every one of you from day
staff to night staff. You made me feel like a
person and not a problem and I always felt safe.’
To make a referral to any of Turning Point’s residential detox services call 0161 827 8570 or
email [email protected], For our Leigh Bank residential rehab service
call 0161 212 1435 or email [email protected] and for our residential rehab
service at Stanfield House please ring 01900 65737 or email [email protected]
February 2019 | drinkanddrugsnews | 19