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We’ll get through
this, pledge activists
comprehensive advice
sheet for people who
use drugs during the
coronavirus outbreak
has been prepared
by EuroNPUD, INPUD and Respect
Drug User Rights. ‘We can do it!’
states the COVID-19: Advice for
people who use drugs leaflet. ‘People
who use drugs have dealt with very
serious viruses before.’
The document, work on which
was led by EuroNPUD project
manager Mat Southwell, includes
essential COVID-19-related harm
reduction advice, as well as wider
health information around the
virus. It also contains guidance
on successfully managing opioid
substitution therapy during the
crisis, including what to say to
prescribing services.
People who use drugs should
also prepare for disruption to
the supply chain, it warns, as
restrictions on movement make
it more difficult to transport
and distribute drugs. ‘If you can
afford to, keep a reserve or source
some opioid medications in case
welcome for
public health
21 has been set at £3.279bn, an
increase of £145m on the 2019-20
figure. Health organisations and
local authorities had been calling on
the government to announce the
new allocation, particularly in light
of the coronavirus outbreak.
‘It is welcome that the
government has taken a positive
step forward after year upon year
of deep cuts to local public health,’
said president of the Association of
Directors of Public Health (ADPH),
Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy. While local
authorities now had ‘the certainty
the ADPH has been calling for
since December’ the reality on the
ground was that the allocations
would not ‘reverse the staff and
services lost overnight, whether
that be in relation to early years
interventions, sexual health services,
drug and alcohol treatment or
your supply is cut,’ it advises. People
should also be planning how they
would manage a rapid detox or full
withdrawal should that become
necessary, it states.
Readers are also encouraged
to network with peers to look out
for others and share planning
and advocacy strategies, as well
as reinforcing the importance of
maintaining respect during the crisis
period. ‘Be patient and thankful even if
services are slower, limiting numbers
allowed in buildings at any one time
and if staff are wearing masks and
gloves,’ the document says. ‘This is part
of keeping essential services running.’
Download the leaflet at
The Forward Trust has
been awarded the
contract to deliver primary
mental health services
in five prisons, as well as
substance misuse services
at HMP The Mount and
HMP Chelmsford. The
new contracts marked ‘an
exciting time of expansion’,
said Forward, ‘allowing us to
support more people with a
wider range of issues’.
Lax labelling
Allocations will
not reverse the
staff and services
lost 'overnight'.
Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy
capacity to prepare for outbreaks like
coronavirus,’ she stated. Long-term
investment in public health at local
level was now essential to reduce
inequalities, reduce pressure on the
NHS and maintain a ‘resilient health
protection system’, she said.
Public health grants to local
authorities: 2020 to 2021 at
RESEARCH by the Alcohol Health
Alliance (AHA) has found that 70
per cent of alcohol products on sale
still do not carry the updated CMO
drinking guidelines, despite them
being introduced four years ago (DDN,
February 2016, page 4). Almost a
quarter contained ‘misleading, out-
of-date’ health information, it states.
Drinks companies are only required by
law to show the strength of alcohol
(ABV) and the container’s volume
on the labelling, with additional
information such as health risks and
nutritional information included
voluntarily. This is in ‘stark contrast to
the mandatory labelling requirements
for all other food and drink products,
many of which are less harmful to
health’, says the report. ‘These new
data show alcohol companies continue
to keep the public in the dark,’ said chief
executive of the Institute of Alcohol
Studies, Katherine Severi. ‘At worst,
this can lead to drinkers unknowingly
raising their chances of cancer, heart
disease and many more conditions.’
Alcohol Health Alliance interim
research findings on alcohol labelling at
WDP has joined forces
with award-winning
Chester-based cultural
centre Storyhouse. Service
users will be able to access
its wide range of cultural
events and facilities and
‘benefit from positive new
social opportunities with
their friends and family’, said
WDP chair Yasmin Batliwala.
Delphi Medical is expanding
its psychosocial addiction
recovery services into HMP
Garth and HMP Wymott to
deliver ‘emotional, social
and lifelong’ recovery. ‘We
will work closely with the
prisons and their wider
communities, and work
hard to ensure the success
of our new service,’ said
community lead Emma