Drink and Drugs News DDN 1806 | Page 22

Alcohol And heAlth

The referral chain for alcohol-related harm encompasses a wide range of healthcare and other bodies . Within health services it can include primary and emergency care settings ... Key non-health partners , meanwhile , include social services and social care , criminal justice and probation services , higher education , housing and voluntary sector organisations .


Alcohol Concern All in the mind : meeting the challenge of alcohol-related brain damage . www . alcoholconcern . org . uk / all-in-the-mind
Department of Health Mental health policy implementation guide : dual diagnosis good practice guide . webarchive . nationalarchives . gov . uk /+/ http :// ww w . dh . gov . uk / en / Publicationsandstatistics / Publicati ons / PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance / DH _ 4009058


Alcohol Research UK / Alcohol Concern www . alcoholresearchuk . org and www . alcoholconcern . org . uk
NICE www . nice . org . uk
Public Health England www . gov . uk / government / organisations / public-health-england
Addaction www . addaction . org . uk
Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA ) https :// www . alcoholics-anonymous . org . uk
Blenheim CDP ( incorporating HAGA ) www . blenheimcdp . org . uk
Change , Grow , Live ( CGL ) www . changegrowlive . org
Alzheimer ’ s Society www . alzheimers . org . uk
NHS Choices www . nhs . uk
Office for National Statistics Annual crime survey for England and Wales . www . ons . gov . uk / peoplepopulationandcommunit y / crimeandjustice / bulletins / crimeinenglandandw ales / yearendingseptember2017
Royal College of Psychiatrists Alcohol and depression factsheet . www . rcpsych . ac . uk / healthadvice / problemsanddiso rders / alcoholdepression . aspx
Statistics on alcohol , England , 2017 . webarchive . nationalarchives . gov . uk / 2018032813 0416 / http :// digital . nhs . uk / catalogue / PUB23940
World Health Organization Alcohol factsheet . www . who . int / mediacentre / factsheets / fs349 / en
Alcohol Concern Signs and symptoms of alcohol-related brain damage ( ARBD ) factsheet . www . alcoholconcern . org . uk / Handlers / Download . ashx ? IDMF = a4fa76fd-dedf-4998-a4ec- 8da1a98cd9d3
Alcohol Concern , Blue Light Project Working with change-resistant drinkers : the project manual . www . alcoholconcern . org . uk / Handlers / Download . ashx ? IDMF = 8ec66a11-104f-4f02-aed8- 892e23522c14
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( NICE ) Coexisting severe mental illness ( psychosis ) and substance misuse : assessment and management in healthcare settings . www . nice . org . uk / guidance / cg120
NHS Choices www . nhs . uk
Public Health England ( PHE ) Alcohol use disorders identification test ( AUDIT ) and other alcohol use screening tests and guidance . www . gov . uk / government / publications / alcoholuse-screening-tests
NICE Alcohol use disorders : prevention – public health guideline PH24 . www . nice . org . uk / guidance / ph24
NICE Alcohol use disorders : diagnosis and management – quality standard QS11 . www . nice . org . uk / guidance / qs11 / chapter / qualitystatement-3-referral-to-specialist-alcohol-services
The King ’ s Fund Chickens coming home to roost : local government public health budgets for 2018 / 18 . www . kingsfund . org . uk / blog / 2017 / 07 / localgovernment-public-health-budgets-2017-18
Equinox www . equinoxcare . org . uk
Phoenix Futures www . phoenix-futures . org . uk
Turning Point www . turning-point . co . uk
Adfam ( family support ) www . adfam . org . uk
National Association for Children of Alcoholics http :// www . nacoa . org . uk /
National Organisation for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome http :// www . nofas-uk . org /
NHSSMPA ( for NHS treatment providers ) www . nhs-substance-misuse-provideralliance . org . uk
SMMGP ( supports good treatment practice ) www . smmgp . org . uk
Drinkaware https :// www . drinkaware . co . uk
Drink Wise Age Well https :// drinkwiseagewell . org . uk /
NHS Choices https :// www . nhs . uk / live-well / alcohol-support /
The Wider Health series is written and produced by Drink and Drugs News ( DDN ), the free , independent monthly magazine for the substance misuse sector . www . drinkanddrugsnews . com