Drink and Drugs News DDN 1805 | Page 3

Keep in touch with us via Facebook and Twitter! /DDNMagazine @DDNMagazine Contents editor’s letter ON THE COVER ‘It’s a mismatch between prison and complex needs’ Why Britain’s prisoners are turning to heroin p6 4 NEWS Alcohol treatment reaches crisis point; RCP backs decriminalisation. 6 THE FEAR INSIDE The factors driving heroin use in our prisons. 8 STRAIGHT TO THE POINT Full round-up of this year’s National Needle Exchange Forum event. 11 INNOVATING FOR EXCELLENCE The Expert Faculty on Commissioning launches its Manchester conference. 11 DEJA VU Danny Hames on the essential elements for successful crack cocaine services. 12 ACCESS FOR AUTISM Andrew Misell on improving access to alcohol treatment for clients with autism. 14 LETTERS A round-up of your responses to Alex Boyt’s 12-step article. 15 LEGAL LINE How strict will CQC’s new short-notice inspections be? Nicole Ridgwell advises. 15 MEDIA SAVVY The news and the skews in the national media. 16 RESOUNDING VICTORY Stuart Pascoe on coming back from the brink to achieve sporting success. 17 RECOVERING THROUGH NATURE Phoenix Futures share the secrets of their holistic Purple Camel project. W e need a new dialogue and thinking, says police and crime commissioner David Jamieson, talking about his recommendations to divert people away from the courts and into treatment (page 8). ‘Criminalisation of drugs will be looked back on with as much disgust as criminalisation of homosexuality,’ adds former detective sergeant Neil Woods, speaking at the same NNEF event. We have long heard the call to stop wasting money on the drug war from healthcare workers – those at the sharp end of human suffering and misery. But when the pieces of the jigsaw join with those from the criminal justice, policy and treatment sectors, there is surely enough to complete the picture that health must come first – and that it is politicians’ duty to take account of the evidence. The prison population has expanded rapidly and institutions are bursting at the seams. Lana Durjava’s study of people who used heroin in prison (page 6) shines a light on the mismatch between incarceration and complex needs. The motivation is to self-medicate, to shut down responses and deaden the pain – summarised as ‘a life of lonely compulsion in a mundane and ruthless environment’. If they are lucky enough to receive treatment, they are still vulnerable to leaving prison without the support, the right medication, or even a take-home naloxone kit to keep them alive. So where does this ineffectual policy leave us? In the meantime, our prisoner is trying to block out each day more than the last. Claire Brown, editor Keep in touch at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com and @DDNmagazine Reporter: David Gilliver e: david@cjwellings.com Published by CJ Wellings Ltd, Romney House, School Road, Ashford, Kent TN27 0LT Editor: Claire Brown t: 01233 638 528 e: claire@cjwellings.com www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Advertising manager: Ian Ralph t: 01233 636 188 e: ian@cjwellings.com Designer: Jez Tucker e: jez@cjwellings.com Subscriptions: t: 01233 633 315 e: subs@cjwellings.com Website: www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Website support by wiredupwales.com CJ Wellings Ltd does not accept respon si bility for the accuracy of state ments made by contributors or advertisers. The contents of this magazine are the copyright of CJ Wellings Ltd, but do not necess arily represent its views, or those of its partner organisations. Printed on environmentally friendly paper by the Manson Group Ltd Cover by 67photo / Alamy DDN is an independent publication, entirely funded by advertising. Supporting organisations: May 2018 | drinkanddrugsnews | 3