Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 68

PRIVATIZATION THROUGH OCCUPATION By attending the block seminar, we were introduced to a time that most of us weren't really familiar or connected to. In presentations, we learned about '68 and the art that came out of those turbulent times. During those few days in Budapest, we experi- enced the city on our own ways, mapping the visu- als, sounds, smells, communication, feelings. Com- bining these two separate years, '68 and '18, we managed to form an art concept which conveys the spirit of past time in new art forms and mediums. Mapping as a process is quite interesting for a group project because individual experiences, combina- tion of ideas and thoughts form a new view of Buda- pest as a city, society, space. This view is more broader, intricate, complex and offers much differ- ent results on which artists can develop interesting individual and group projects. We came into this pro- cess with some previous experience, which we used to fulfill our task to the best of our abilities. Taking in consideration our strengths, we combined graphic design, animation, video, multimedia, stage design and conceptual art into a gesamtkunstwerk of peo- ple from five different countries who worked quite efficient as a group. During our research process, we were talking about our ´68 photos, we tapped into the theme of globalization as a strong contrast to those past days and debated upon the state of managing spaces n todays Budapest. Art forms as occupation and performance, used in ´68, seemed as a good medium for our project idea. As a main theme, we chose privatization of public space that happens all around Budapest. In conversation, through our own experiences with student protests and loosing art spaces, we joked about occupation as a mean of intervention in the student gallery- first version of our project was to arrange five different exhibitions in which each member of the group would, through their design, occupy the space in the name of a company or a brand. The space would function as a restaurant, shop, office with inventory, design and function. Visitors would be able to buy a mock product which would convey a message in which they would be informed about the privatiza- tion of art and art spaces. Upon that first idea, we went to something evem more abstract, more surre- al in terms of privatization.