Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 25

VITO ACCONCI The Following Piece In the fall of 1969, Acconci randomly select- ed and then followed individual passersby he encountered in New York City, main- taining his pursuit until the person entered a building. The process varied in length from a few minutes to several hours and took the artist around Manhattan and into Brook- lyn, Queens, and the Bronx, as shown in the work’s central map. Though this stalking was aggressive, by allowing a stranger to deter- mine his route the artist gave up a certain de- gree of agency. He said, “I am almost not an ‘I’ anymore; I put myself in the service of this scheme.” A typescript lays out the terms of the “scheme,” and this photocollage docu- ments several of the actions.