Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 123

the wall, and that’s when the details get noticed. But, when that happens, it’s too late, person is already too close. It’s this forced intimacy with a repulsive depiction that’s supposed to trigger an almost violent eye op- pening sensation. A sensation that’s supposed to stay with them long after exiting the room. A sensation that’s suposed to take place every time one encounters a misplaced piece of trash on the street. If that happens, our end goal is fullfiled. Regarding further development of the project, we are thinking about spaces where our wallpapers could be used. Concept of putting these wallpapers up in highy populated areas, spaces that get vis- ited a lot, and maybe even goverment buildings, is a highly attractive one. And what better way there is to raise awareness of delibarately ignored issues, than to literally make people face them?