Drifting through Cityscapes Drifting through Cityscapes MTL final copy | Page 111
A cherry on top
Once we close the book, after we add that final dash of sprinkles, what
then? Further development of the project can go in many directions. It
could have an open end: as the city stacks up more and more years and
centuries as well as layers of concrete and bricks – the book itself could
grow be filled with new recipes. Or maybe outgrow its single original
piece status to become an actual printable book available at every well-
equipped bookstore, even applied to other cities. Imagine people all
around the world collecting and sniffing recipe books, baking cakes with
daubs of New Belgrade slang and thick layers of footsteps echoing the
cobble stones of Skadarska Street. If we start following our commercial
stream o consciousness we could end up with actual packaging models,
a net of ‘Belgrade Cake Bakers’ store chain with worldwide free shipping
for all orders over 30 dollars and who know what. But if we managed at
least to tackle into intangi- ble webs of streets, public transport networks,
hotels and orthodox churches interweaved with odors, sounds and shy
looks at random people on the streets – all those things that make up a
city as an entity – then we can go for another slice of cake. Anybody else
wants some more cake?