DRIFT Travel Holiday 2021 DRIFT Travel Holiday 2021 | Page 21

From robust roasts to rich aromatic stews , spiced or sweetened salads to savory pastries , fragrant mounds of couscous to bastilla , an exquisite blend of shredded pigeon , a spiced onion sauce with saffron and herbs encased in a flaky , filolike pastry topped with cinnamon and sugar - an intricate dish that epitomizes everything that is grand and extravagant in Moroccan cooking .
One of the most interesting ways to absorb the delights and diversity of the country ’ s cuisine is to visit the souks ( markets ) and where better than Fés , often regarded as Morocco ’ s culinary capital . To wander through the myriad of laneways that make up the medina of Fés el Bali ( old Fés ) sampling the food on offer , is to take a gastronomic journey through Morocco itself .
Early morning is a wonderful time to be out and about and I set off to get thoroughly lost in Fés el Bali . Sunlight streams in slanted rays through the woven bamboo shades covering the narrow alleyways , catching the steam rising from the many cookers , the air awash with all manner of exotic aromas . Great crusty rounds of warm khobz ( traditional Moroccan bread ) are on display at the feet of an old man crouching behind his produce . Munching on this doughy aniseed-flavored bread is the perfect accompaniment for exploring the medina . In most Moroccan homes bread is prepared every morning , kneaded in unglazed red clay pans and sent to the community bakery on the heads of children on their way to school .