Dreamy 1 | Page 48


Over the past 10 weeks I have been set a task to complete a Joomag (Digital Magazine), A sketch book on the past and present fashion trends and influeneces, A4 ring binder with research I collected and completed, and SMART target sheets.

What did I do well?

During my time completing Joomag I believe I coped fairly well. I had conducted a lot of useful and relevant research from different websites and books. From collecting this research it allowed me to further my knowledge in the fashion industry as a whole and how everything interlinks with each other. Also during my class time I wrote down lots of useful information to which my lecturer had informed me with, making my notes a lot more full and interesting. Adding to this, due to completing my sketchbook before the other work that was set, it allowed me to use my wider knowledge and understanding in the following part of the project.

What could I have done better?

During my time completing this project I found time management the toughest. I started to fall behind a lot as I work full time 9am-5pm the days I am not in college allowing myself little time to complete the project. Adding to this, it meant that my weekends would be taken up by coursework leading myself to stress out hugely. Not only this, whilst flicking through my magazine I realised that some pages were much better than others, it took me a lot of time to get used to the way Joomag worked therefore the back of my magazine is much better compared to the front.

How did i overcome my problems?

By the middle of my project I realised that I needed more time to ensure that my project was completed to a good standard. Therefore, I took a week off work so that I could concentrate on my Joomag.

What would I do differently if I was to complete the project again?

If I were to complete the project again I would manage my time a lot differently. I would book at least one day off work to give myself time to focus on my project. As I had to take a week off work a week before the project was due to ensure that I had completed everything and to a good standard. Not only this, I would have gave myself plenty of time of practicing on Joomag before using it meaning that I would know how to use it properly making my pages look a lot better and more interesting.