Dream Dictionary 1 | Page 54

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z that ’ s co-operative or respectfully ignoring other people ’ s problems . Doing your best to help someone else even when it ’ s hard to do . Alternatively , Australia may reflect willful blindness or politely ignoring other people ’ s problems or bad habits . Positively , dreaming of Australia represents a mindset where you are noticing everyone around you respectfully ignoring your problems or mistakes .
Australian People To dream about Australian people represents an aspects of your personality that purposely don ’ t notice anything being wrong . Positively , Australian people represents doing your best to help someone else when it ’ s hard to do . Feeling that someone is respectfully ignoring your negativity to assist you . Politely ignoring others problems or rudeness . Negatively , a Australian person may reflect feelings of being annoyed at having to ignore a problem or having to have a positive attitude when you don ’ t want to . Putting friends or family first no matter how bad it feels .
Austrian People To dream of an Austrian person represents and aspect of your personality that ’ s sensitive about failure . An unforgiving nature . You or someone else that embarrasses people if you have to repeat yourself or don ’ t get your way . A person or situation that is unsympathetic if you don ’ t agree with it . You or someone else that ’ s terrible if you don ’ t get your way . Punishment for not being perfect .
Autism To dream of seeing someone with autism represents issues with being too accepting of a weird or eccentric situation . Oddness that is obvious and stands out . Making excuses for unusual behavior . Frustration that someone is fully aware of you and chooses to ignore you . Frustration that you are not being listened to you no matter how obvious or direct you are with someone . Difficulty communicating or “ getting through to someone . Your awareness of other people purposely not listening to reason or warnings . To dream of yourself being autistic or that other people think you are autistic may reflect waking life situations where you feel your behavior is considered eccentric by others . Uncomfortable feelings about real mental health problems or disabilities you have being witnessed by other people . Feeling that other people think you are weird and stupid . Alternatively , being autistic may reflect insecurity you have about not being like other people .
Autograph To dream of getting someone ’ s autograph represents “ betterness ” that can ’ t be denied . It may also represent a memory you have of a positive situation that proves your better than others in some way once and for all . Alternatively , an autograph may reflect approval from an original or authoritative source . A person or situation that lends extra credibility to your claims or achievements . To dream giving someone your autograph represents giving your consent or approval to someone . It may also reflect using your expertise , experience , or status to improve someone else ’ s reputation .
Autopsy To dream of an autopsy represents a careful evaluation of the consequences of your actions . You or someone else may be trying to understand failures or find the root cause of a problem .
Autumn To dream of autumn represents your feelings that a good time is over . The best part of a situation or relationship is finished . Life doesn ’ t feel as good as it did before . The sunniness or pleasure of life is gone . Negatively , autumn may reflect your feelings that rough times are ahead . Feeling that a situation can only go downhill or get worse .
Avalanche To dream of an avalanche represents life situations that you feel could overwhelm you . Work , responsibilities , or problems that threaten to override your sense of stability . Inescapable stresses and overwhelming pressures . You may be feeling the weight of life ’ s daily demands piled onto you . You may fear disaster or failure . You may be aware of a flaw in your plans that needs immediate attention .
Aviary To dream of an aviary represents your awareness or search for all the possibilities available to escape your problems . Noticing all the different ways you can transcend your problems or get away from trouble . It may be a sign that you are looking for inspiration or ideas to your troubles . A sanctuary of possibilities in your life . Alternatively , an aviary may represent hope that you or others are keeping alive to deal with big problems . Keeping important information available to troubled people .
Avocados To dream of an avocado represents feeling indulgence without consequences . Feeling no risk of going overboard . The ability to do a lot of something without it ever becoming a problem . Feeling that it ’ s impossible to be embarrassed by something . Feelings about the “ gravy train ” never endings . Behavior that is noticeably not jealous . Positively , an avocado may represent feelings about an excessive use of something that never runs out . Feeling secure that you can never go broke . Endless favors or supportive people that always have your back no matter what . Feeling that it ’ s impossible to be jealous because you can always do something else . Feeling good getting back at your enemy while feeling there is no risk of retribution . Feeling good with safety that nothing you do is risky . Negatively , an avocado may reflect abuse of supportive friendships or relationships . Empty or pointless spending because you are too rich to care . Enemies , angry family members , or angry friends who choose to temporarily put jealousy aside for something special . Naively believing that your enemies will be understanding . Too much cooperative behavior when you are in the middle of a fight . Conceding defeat because it feels better than fighting . Jealousy that your enemies feel good never being jealous at all . Getting back at someone in a way that feels good being impossible to get back at you with .
Avoid To dream of avoiding something represents a person or situation that you don ’ t want to confront in waking life . You may have a fear or responsibility that you don ’ t want to deal with . It may also reflect emotions you are repressing or are in denial about . Alternatively , avoidance in a dream may represent procrastination . Continually putting something off that you ’ ve been planning to do . Consider how the situations you are avoiding in the dream may be symbolically mirroring your waking life .
Awaken To dream that you awaken from sleep represents new insights into a problem . Alternatively , it may reflect your motivation to finally take action with an issue .
Awakening To dream of an awakening represents new ideas or insights that are being realized . You may be experiencing a new awareness that ’ s unfolding in your life . You may have finally