serves you . Taking a risk disregarding something important To dream of yourself being in an attic may reflect waking life situations were you are intentionally and needlessly isolating yourself from people . Feeling intentionally neglected or that people don ’ t think you are important . Accepting yourself as someone who never needs to matter .
Attraction To dream of attraction to someone else represents ideas , situations , or opportunities that are interesting to you . Experiences that are desirable to you or that you believe will feel good if you could have them . Feelings about a desirable outcome or situation . A possibility or opportunity that you really like . Ideas that interest you in trying them or experiencing them . New ideas that you enjoy thinking about . Exposure to new experiences you are considering trying again . Negatively , it may reflect risky ideas , attractive opportunities that scare you , or a positive outcome you are too scared to ask for help to achieve . The risk of allowing someone beautiful or popular to trick you . The risk of allowing attractive opportunities to trick you or the potential to be lured by your enemies . Difficulty resisting bad ideas or negative influences . Addiction or bad habits you can ’ t control because they are too enjoyable . Feelings about a possibility being too good for you .
A lack of self-esteem or self-worth that makes you feel you don ’ t deserve things . Feeling that you will never be good enough to do something . Jealousy of others having much easier lives . To dream of someone being attracted to you represents feelings about opportunities that are being offered to you . Feelings about people being interested in your ideas , skills , or involvement . Negatively , it may reflect unwanted attention or opportunities that don ’ t interest you . Alternatively , attraction in a dream may mirror your feelings of sexual attraction to someone in waking life . Problems resisting someone sexually attractive .
ATV ( All Terrain Vehicle ) To dream of an ATV ( All Terrain Vehicle ) represents holds barred attitude to problem solving . If you see another person driving an ATV it represents some aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions when you are highly motivated to solve a problem .
Auction To dream of an auction represents an attempt to get the most out of a situation . Seeing how far you or others will go to get achieve a goal . Negatively , dreaming about an auction may reflect you or someone else that is manipulating others to compete for your favor or opportunities you offer . Feelings about other people competing to take advantage of your losses . Concerns about giving resources or power away too easily . To dream of being outbid at an auction represents feelings of not having cared for or valued an opportunity enough . It may also be a sign that you aren ’ t willing to do as much as someone else to achieve your goals . A lack of motivation to be competitive or feeling too impotent to be competitive . To dream that no one is bidding at an auction represents a lack of interest in competing for an opportunity . It may also reflect disappointment that nobody is willing to fight or compete for what you have to offer . To dream of having your property auctioned off without giving permission may reflect feelings of being powerless or diminished to stop someone from allowing others to compete for your loss . Feeling that other people are desperate to fight over something you feel forced to give up .
Audience To dream of seeing an audience represents feelings about yourself getting attention from other people . Feelings about other people paying attention to your actions . Considering accepting or being happy to see someone else succeed . Confidence in yourself being approved of others . Enjoying being noticed and approved of for an achievement . Feelings about people liking you being he center of attention in some manner . Negatively , dreaming of an audience may reflect issues with showing off or making people pay attention to you . Showing off with lies or unprovable claims . Problems with accepting something that will make you jealous if you chose to stand by and allow it to happen . Jealousy of someone else getting more attention than you . To dream of having no audience being present represents feelings about having nobody to pay attention to your actions . Issues with needing attention . To dream of being a part of an audience represents feelings about watching or paying close attention to someone else ’ s actions . Negatively , it may reflect feelings of jealousy that you are powerless to control a situation and must watch only . Feeling forced to watch other people win while you lose . Jealously watching other people achieve things that you can ’ t achieve . A dangerous situation that you are choosing to watch instead of attempting to stop it by getting involved .
Audition To dream of an audition indicates that you may feel the need to prove your better than anyone else . You might feel that you are under pressure or that you ’ re skills or talents are being put to the test . You may also be opening up to new experiences and roles . An audition may be a sign that you feel insecure about what other people think about your abilities . You may feel vulnerable to criticism or judgment . The attitude and behavior of the audience reflects how you think others perceive you .
Auditorium To dream of an auditorium represents an issue in your life that is making itself perfectly clear . A person , or situation is allowing you to notice the truth , or understand the facts with more clarity . A sign that there is something you need to learn or you need to pay more attention . Alternatively , the auditorium may reflect your own desire to make yourself perfectly clear about an issue . To dream of being unable to find an auditorium represents an inability gain clarity on an issue , or make yourself clear to others . You may feel lost or uninformed . To see an auditorium totally filled with people symbolizes complete attentiveness or interest . You or other people that are paying close attention to something .
Aunts To dream of an aunt represents a substitute form of intuition . Your gut instincts about the future or to make long term choices that is influenced in some manner . Negatively , an aunt is a sign that you feel unlucky or that your gut instincts feel off . Positively , an aunt may reflect a heightened sense of luck or that your gut instincts are unusually accurate . Alternatively , an aunt represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them . Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about them and see how that quality may apply to your own life . To dream of a dead aunt may reflect feelings about alternative outcomes in your life reversing . Alternative methods of approaching problems no longer being necessary . Feeling that your lucky streak has gotten better after first being oddly unlucky . Ridiculous periods of time of no progress or stagnation ending . Consider the qualities about the aunt that stand out the most and try to see how those qualities may have disappeared from a situation in your life .
Australia To dream about Australia represents a state of mind that ’ s co-operative or respectfully ignoring other people ’ s