Dream Dictionary 1 | Page 50

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z you , but won ’ t feel good at all . Alternatively , asparagus may reflect an unpleasant experience that is good for you , but that has to done is small steps . Knowing that something difficult is good for you , but avoiding it unless you absolutely have to do it .
Asphalt To dream of asphalt represents a clear understanding or grasp of a situation . Not having to worry . A clear path towards your goals . Standing on solid ground or feeling that an area of your life has been permanently made easier .
Assassin To dream of an assassin represents an aspect of yourself that is concerned with ending or failing something so it will never be a concern ever again . Being totally focused on eliminating some area of your life for good . Cutting someone off for good using surprise or embarrassment . A desire to never face a problem ever again . Sabotage . Consider the qualities of the person being assassinated and ask yourself how these qualities may apply to you or a situation in your life . Alternatively , an assassin may represent your feelings about another person or situation that cares about nothing except insensitively cutting you out of the picture . Your feelings about people who are intentionally focused on getting rid of you . It may symbolize your feelings about someone who has privately made the decision to end a relationship or situation with you . Feeling sabotaged .
Asteroid To dream of an asteroid coming towards the earth represents an potential problem with the ability to devastate goals , bring disappointment , or sabotage current efforts . An unavoidable disaster or embarrassment . Something that could make you feel like you never get to do what you wanted . It could also reflect situations that totally destroy your optimism or sense of balance you ’ ve reached . If an asteroid hits the earth then it may represent goals or ideals that have been compromised .
Asthma To dream of asthma represents anxiety under uncomfortable circumstances . Feeling intense fear or worry while also feeling unable to discuss it . You may be feeling a lot of pressure to do things all by yourself or to never bother others . Asthma may be a sign that you need to confront your fear of discussing you problems or reaching out to others .
Astrology To dream of astrology represents an interest or concern for the future . You or someone you know may hopeful about the future . Astrology may also reflect a need for reassurance .
Astronaut To dream of an astronaut represents an aspect of yourself that is exploring the unknown or uncharted territory . You or someone else that is experiencing things never experienced before . You may be dealing with a situation where there are no certain answers . A time where there are surprises around every corner or it ’ s impossible to know what ’ s going to happen next . Alternatively , you may be seeking new experiences and places .
Astronomer To dream of an astronomer represents speculation about the future or for the potential that lies ahead . It may also reflect careful planning or consideration of a number of outcomes . Weighing all the possibilities . You may be confronting a situation where there are no guarantees or absolute answers . You may also be daydreaming about “ all that could be ” or doing contingency planning .
Asylum To dream of being in an asylum represents feelings of being incompetent or unimportant . You may feel ostracized , embarrassed , or like people have lost all respect for you . You may have made a big mistake that others disapprove of . You may also feel left out , excluded , and ignored . To dream of being treated by a doctor in an asylum may represent a difficulty changing unhealthy habits or beliefs . To dream of escaping an asylum may represent feelings about a second chance or a new lease on life . You may have thought up a way to regain respect or restore your reputation .
Athlete To dream of an athlete represents a desire to be the best at something . You may be pushing yourself to the limit or striving to be the best . It may also reflect a competitive attitude or your attempt to “ set the bar ” to new heights . You may be trying to achieve something never achieved before . Negatively , an athlete may be a sign that you are overextending yourself or trying too hard .
Atlas To dream of an atlas represents adept expertise . Having all the answers in some particular field or skill . The ability to totally control people or completely manipulate situations to a desired outcome . An atlas may be a sign that you have nothing left learn in some area . Negatively , an atlas may reflect an adept ability to manipulate people or change what is happening to keep people managed . It may also be a sign that you are too concerned with expertise to the point that other areas are suffering .
ATM Card To dream of an ATM card represents resources or abilities that you have , but don ’ t use all the time . Access to power or choices that can be drawn upon when needed .
ATM Machine To dream of an atm machine represents access to power or resources whenever you want . The freedom experience something , make something happen , or take as you please . An opportunity or capability is always available to you . Negatively , it may reflect being spoiled . To dream of an atm machine not working may reflect feeling that something in your life that was easily accessible no longer being easy .
Attacked To dream of being attacked represents people or situations that you feel are hurting you emotionally or that threaten your sense of security . It may also reflect fears that you are giving in to . Other people may be angry or defensive with you . Issues that threaten a loss of some kind or increase unwanted risk ( like illness , a financial loss , or something that threatens your relationship .) An attack might also point to damage that has already occurred physically , financially , or to a relationship . To dream that you attack someone reflects confrontation with an issue or a defensive attitude . You may be overcoming problems , or taking action against something you feel poses a threat to you . Attacks in a dream may also represent your feelings about the current relationships .
Attic To dream of an attic represents things you think that you don ’ t respect or intentionally neglect . Anything or anyone in the attic symbolizes what it is that you don ’ t respect . An “ out of sight otu of mind ” attitude about something in your life . Negatively , an attic may be a sign that you are intentionally neglecting something or someone until it