wanting someone else to feel good or have power ever again . Arson in a dream may be a sign that you are harboring bitterness , jealousy , or hatred .
Art Gallery To dream of an art gallery represents you or someone else that wants their past accomplishments admired . Wanting to feel good or be noticed for what you have done . Admiring other people ’ s accomplishments . Feelings about accomplishments being permanently recognized or acknowledged . Negatively , dreaming about an art gallery may reflect an excessive focus on the past accomplishments or an exaggerated belief that someone else ’ s past achievement are impossible to overcome . Illusions about how easy , incredible , or powerful someone achievements in the past were . Paying too much attention to the “ shadow being cast ” on you by someone else ’ s achievements . Alternatively , an art gallery in a dream may negatively reflect narcissism or being in love in one ’ s own achievements . Thinking you are so incredible people should admire what you ’ ve done forever .
Artificial Limbs To dream of artificial limbs represents feelings about never allowing anything to limit your beliefs or sense of independence . You may have been cut off from power , freedom , or a capability and are using your resources to overcome it . Doing whatever you can to not allow a problem or limitation stop you . Choosing to never give up . Negatively , an artificial limb may reflect use whatever resources are available to never have to face consequences . Feelings about negative situations or people in your life that will never give up . It may also reflect your negative attitude about giving up control .
Artists To dream of an artist represents an aspect of yourself that is creative , unique , or does things different . A reflection of you or someone that is has original ideas . An artist may also reflect eccentricity . Noticing yourself being able to do whatever you want . An artist may be a sign that you crave recognition or attention . You may have ideas , opinions , or achievements that you want others to notice . An artist may also reflect symbolic or unspoken actions you want others to identify you with . Expressing your true beliefs or thoughts with dramatic actions or words . Negatively , an artist in a dream may point to creative exhaustion . Alternatively , an artist may reflect your interest in drawing , painting , or other art form .
Artwork To dream of artwork represents things about ourselves that we like to notice . This could be accomplishments , material possessions , or capabilities you feel good about or want others to be aware of . To dream of Native American artwork represents things about yourself that you notice and never want to compromise in any way . Things about you that give you pride or are important enough to never change .
Asbestos To dream of asbestos represents a past mistake in your life that you are very concerned about getting rid of . Feeling stupid that you felt something was a good idea . A sense that dealing with a problem is critical or paramount . Feeling that the removal of a troublesome mistake is a top priority and that nothing else should happen until it is . Feeling that if you don ’ t deal with a past problem things will only get worse . Alternatively , asbestos may reflect the realization that you or someone else didn ’ t think clearly about what they were doing in the past that has created a current problem . Feeling a need to correct gross negligence . To dream of worrying about asbestos may be a sign that you are worrying that your past negligence will harm your current chances of success . Fearing not being able to get rid of a stupid mistake . To dream of asbestos removal represents correcting gross negligence or a choice you regret . Taking the time set a problem straight . It may also reflect proactive measures you are taking with something you believe is critical . Carefully dealing with a big mistake or bad idea .
Ashes To dream of ashes represents your awareness that some area of your life is gone . Noticing the remains or remnants of a something that has been lost . Disappointments , regrets , failures , changes and loss . Feeling that the good times are over or that nothing of value is left in your life . Alternatively , ashes may be a sign that you need to learn to let go of the past . Feeling that some aspect of your life is dead , pointless , or dull . Feeling that the “ good times ” are over with . Positively , ashes in a dream may reflect dwelling on the past or something in your life that is finished . Negatively , ashes in a dream may reflect feelings about failed relationships or ruined business enterprises . Total destruction of some area of your life . To dream seeing or cleaning the ashes of a fireplace or stove represents the realization that an enjoyable or prosperous moment is over . It ’ s time to move on or start over . To dream of something turning to ashes represents feelings about a area of your life being completely destroyed , wasted , or carelessly neglected . Feelings about something being overused to the point of being useless . Feelings about something that could have been great if you or someone else was more careful . Feelings that all that is left of something is an empty memory .
Ashtray To dream of an ashtray represents total disregard for how bad your behavior or habits are . Knowing full well that you ’ re doing something that you ’ re not supposed to be doing . An ashtray may also reflect someone or something you are exploiting in order to get away with something you know is wrong .
Asia To dream of Asia represents situations in your life that are abnormal , unusual , or that you perceive to be “ backwards ”. A sign that you may need to adjust to a situation or are experiencing culture shock . Consider the specific country you are in and the stereotypes that may be associated with it for further meaning .
Asian Rice Hat / Conical Peasant Hat To dream of an asian rice hat represents a conservative mood or attitude that rejects progress . It reflects a resistance to new ideas or opportunities . You think what you are currently doing is good enough .
Asp To dream of an asp baton weapon represents feelings about yourself or others “ meaning business ” only when it ’ s important or serious enough . Revealing combative or resistant behavior only when it gets dangerous enough . Negatively , an asp may reflect last minute arrogance or threats . Pushing a liar to the point where truth is mandatory and noticing them becoming belligerent . Assertively making the rules up as you go along or changing the rules once a situation is not feeling good for you .
Asparagus To dream of asparagus represents an unpleasant experience that you know is good for you , but has to be done perfect in order to complete it . Knowing that something will help you , but won ’ t feel good at all . Alternatively , asparagus may reflect an unpleasant experience that is good for you , but