birth . Meticulous planning for the baby . The buildings in pregnant women ’ s dreams often grow as the pregnancy gets further to term .
Arctic To dream of the Arctic represents enormous challenges or hardships that you are enduring in waking life . You may be confronting a problem that ’ s totally unforgiving or requires absolute perfection . A situation that feels terrible . You may feel isolated and lonely .
Arena To dream of an arena represents issues that are out in the open or being made the center of attention . Struggles or problems are on display to others . Perhaps , you are experiencing someone else facing a problem publicly . Alternatively , an arena in a dream may be a sign that an issue or problem needs to be brought into the open . Negatively , an area may represent a fear of failing in front of everyone you know .
Argentina To dream of Argentina represents a mindset that is always sensitive about noticing feelings mattering first . Feeling that people you know are always sensitive about having their feelings cared about at all times . It may also reflect your own sensitivity about noticing your feelings are not being addressed at all times . Positively , Argentina may reflect situations where you or someone else doesn ’ t want to hurt anyone ’ s feelings . Always being polite , encouraging , or trying to spare people ’ s feelings . Negatively , Argentina may reflect your feeling of other people lying to you to spare your feelings . It may also reflect mediocrity that must be endured at your expense for the greater good of others feelings . It may also reflect you or someone else that is patronizing someone else to spare their feelings .
Arguments To dream of having an argument represents an inner conflict or an unresolved issue . Debating an issue or unsettled matter in your head . You may be doing something you don ’ t believe in . Feeling that a situation isn ’ t perfect enough . You may have a problem expressing your true feelings . Alternatively , arguing may reflect a waking disagreement you are experiencing with someone else . Alternative opinions to your own may have been offered . Not liking someone else ’ s ideas . Consider who you are arguing with or what the subject of the argument is for additional meaning . How does it mirror your waking life ?
Arizona To dream of the US State of Arizona represents a mindset that is insensitive to stupid ideas , vanity , or dangerous suggestions . Feeling that it ’ s important to “ keep it real ” before all else . You or someone else that isn ’ t scared to “ tell it like it is .” Relationship moments or social situations where total honesty is required that may result in being yelled at or berated . Positively , Arizona may reflect a mindset that feels it ’ s a good idea not to take risks exacerbating problems if it can be avoided . Not liking to waste time making a situation worse . Unwillingness to delude oneself about the reality of a situation . Carefully noticing yourself never being a loser . Negatively , Arizona may reflect a mindset that is rude , arrogant , or extremely insensitive about thinking it ’ s never wrong . Insensitively objective or “ telling it like it is ” that is hurtful . Arrogantly thinking you are right all the time or feeling that you need to allow someone else to berate you for being wrong .
Ark To dream of an ark represents your attempt to get through a very stressful or uncertain time with the intention of starting over . A wish to survive the worst moment of your life with only what you need . Protection or preservation of something important . Starting your life over with only what you need . Surviving with what you need for a new beginning . Protection of fundamental needs to begin anew .
Armadillo To dream of an armadillo represents your feelings about unbearable resistance . Forsaking all happiness or comfort for the sake up surviving or persisting . Putting up with conditions that most people consider terrible as though they were normal . Disbelief or shock at how much adversity or negativity someone else is willing to put up with . You or someone else that feels comfortable never thinking of anything nice for themselves . Alternatively , an armadillo may reflect your extreme sensitivity to change or risk . A sign that you or someone else may have a big problem letting go or relaxing . Being too accustomed to never enjoying anything .
Armageddon To dream of Armageddon may reflect a struggle between good and bad intentions in your waking life that feels on an emotional level to be of epic proportions . Feeling that all the good you have worked for is at risk of being lost to negative intentions or bad people forever . Feeling that you are emotionally at war with terrible people . An epic struggle of moral strength . Alternatively , Armageddon may reflect the unforgiving nature of a struggle or conflict in waking life . A difficult or stressful situation that requires your full attention and energy to confront it . Facing a powerful addiction that feels impossible to overcome . Feelings about needing to struggle through a very stressful event or emotional upheaval . A life changing event like a divorce , company takeover , or economic crisis . A serious conflict between right and wrong in your life . Armageddon may appear in a dream when you have to confront a person or situation that ’ s doing everything to stop you .
Armor To dream of armor represents emotional or psychological defense mechanisms . You or someone else that is resistant to change or different views . A reflection of the personality choosing to protect itself at all times from pain or anxiety . Believing in yourself at all costs . Positively , wearing armor symbolizes being mentally or emotionally immune to certain negative thoughts , emotions , or situations . You have the emotional resources required to deal with problems and stay in a positive mindset . Negatively , armor in a dream may reflect a strong ego . Total arrogance that thinks it ’ s better than other people and will fight to keep feeling good thinking that . Resistance to change at all costs . Believing in yourself to the point of hurting or insulting others . Bad habits that are very difficult to give up or your ego . If you find yourself trying to kill someone wearing armor it symbolizes your attempt to control or get rid of a difficult aspect of your personality . There may be an emotional need or strong motivation to continue thinking in certain ways that may be an obstacle to progress . The ego may be too strong . If a creepy or evil person in a dream wore armor it may symbolize a fear or a negative thinking pattern that is protected by your inability to overcome other emotions or the ego .
Armored Car To dream of an armored car represents decisions or a direction in life that is preoccupied with never failing under any circumstance . Perfectly carrying out a risky plan or project . An “ air tight ” or totally secure undertaking .