Dream Dictionary 1 | Page 42

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z represent designating time or expecting to do something that is in your best interest . An important opportunity to fix something that won ’ t feel good fixing . To dream of a doctor ’ s appointment represents your expectation to fix a problem . An opportunity to solve a problem or heal yourself that you don ’ t want to miss . You may be designating personal time for yourself or your problems .
Apricots To dream of an apricot represents feelings of enjoying a situation that isn ’ t perfect . Enjoying feeling that something isn ’ t easy . Feeling good working for something important to you . Enjoying earning what you have . Liking difficulty . Negatively , an apricot represents occasional enjoyable indulgence becoming boring . Losing interest in something once it becomes permanent . A enjoyable challenge that has become annoying . Trading true happiness to be live as a secure winner . Feeling that you are settling for happiness that isn ’ t as perfect as you like it to be .
April To dream of the month of April represents the overall feeling about a situation in your life where you are beginning to feel that something is finally safe or okay . It may also reflect the overall mood that something special that is finally happening in your life after a terrible hardship . Waiting for everything beautiful to begin . Accepting that the overall mood of a situation as inevitably going to bet better .
Apron To dream of an apron represents commitment , or a willingness to do whatever it takes to think , feel , or act in a certain way . You or some aspect of your personality is very focused and willing to endure sacrifices to stay focused and on task . You may not care how messy or difficult it gets . An apron suggests a strong interest in what you are thinking and maintaining it . Secrecy , over-protection , or sacrificing less important or interesting things to keep thinking in a certain way .
Aquarium To dream of an aquarium represents indifference to something you are noticing in your life . Fascination with people , situations , things about yourself that you have no interest in seriously involving yourself with . Noticing or being aware of how issues are effecting your life with little interest in exploring them personally . Positively , dreaming about an aquarium may reflect your fascination or interest in observing problems you are perfectly safe from . Intelligently keeping yourself separated from something dangerous you are observing . Negatively , it may reflect a lack of emotional involvement with problems you are noticing yourself or someone else experiencing . It may also represent being aware of how issues are effecting you , but being unwilling to confront them . Watching something dangerous or negative happening without caring about it . Red or black fish inside an aquarium point to problems you are noticing in yourself and doing little about . It may also reflect bad habits or negative thinking patterns you are noticing yourself having . Indifference to situations or habits that are excessive , scary , or deceptive . Watching something bad , dangerous , or immoral happening and doing nothing to stop because it ’ s more interesting to observe .
Aquarium Ornament To dream of an aquarium ornament represents something uncertain about yourself that you feel is important to be noticed all the time . A possibility that you want others seeing in you . It may also reflect a negative aspect of yourself that you like others being aware of in you . Negatively , you may feel that people need to believe something about you at all times or that you can ’ t move forward in a situation if something isn ’ t being noticed in you by others .
Arab People To dream of Arab people represents aspects of your personality that are very sensitive about being respected the way they are . Fear of irrational or overprotective reactions from people . Concerns about severe punishment . Feelings about someone or something that will never change no matter what you do . Feelings about people who can ’ t be reasoned with . Feelings about having to respect someone under irrational conditions . You or someone else that feels good knowing their position in a situation is guaranteed to be permanent . To dream of beautiful Arab woman may reflect your desire or enjoyment of a permanent situation . It may also reflect your jealousy of not having a situation be as permanent as you want it to be .
Arcade To dream of an video arcade represents a temporary escape or blocking out reality with distractions . You may be wasting time , delaying something , or procrastinating . You may be trying to numb and block out your problems . You might also be waiting for something more interesting or important to happen .
Arch To dream of an arch represents choices or a direction in life that demands respect . You may be noticing that you ’ re more important than others . You may be feeling a heightened sense of status , power , or respect from others . It may also reflect a feelings of being special . Alternatively , it may reflect a person or situation that demands your respect or co-operation . You may have to show respect where it ’ s due or treat something like it ’ s more important than you are .
Archaeologist To dream of an archaeologist represents you or someone else that is trying to bring something from the past back . Finding value in old relationships , habits , or situations . Negatively , it may be a sign that you are viewing old problems like they are good thing .
Archaeology To dream of archaeology represents studying your past , or trying to gain insight into current situations based on past experiences .
Architect To dream of an architect represents meticulous planning or preparation . You or someone else that has thought of every single little thing to make something happen . A perfectly cultivated outcome or situation . An architect in a dream may reflect a wish to make sure that ideas or plans are carried out exactly as intended . Alternatively , an architect in a dream may reflect superior expertise . Negatively , an architect may represent abuse of superior expertise or experience .
Architecture To dream of architecture represents perspectives on situations that required great care , responsibility , and planning . Some area of your life that you want to noticed by others as perfect or having done a perfect job . An area of your life where there was meticulous planning or every detail was cared about . Being admired for your incredible efforts or above average accomplishments . Pregnant women often dream of architectural buildings . This most likely reflects their view about themselves having been very careful and responsible with the pregnancy and preparation for the